manifesto of fragility – A World of Endless Promise
Marta Górnicka – Grundgesetz – Ein chorischer Stresstest, 2022
Video installation, 33’00’’
Born 1975 in Włocławek, Poland.
Lives and works between Berlin, Germany and Warsaw, Poland.
The performances and stagings of Marta Górnicka feature singular voices at odds with the dominant narratives. On 3 October 2018, nearly 28 years after the Reunification of East and West Germany, the artist brought together 50 amateur and professional performers from different social backgrounds. In front of the Brandenburg Gate, the choir performed the Grundgesetz, the German Constitution, putting this legal text to a “stress test” (Ein chorischer Stresstest) in order to verify its resilience and assess its relevance. In doing so, the voices and bodies, orchestrated by the artist, made their individual and collective mark as instruments of political resistance.
Produced by Maxim Gorki Theater, Berlin
Courtesy Maxim Gorki Theater / EBENSPERGER
With the support of Maxim Gorki Theater
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- manifesto of fragility
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