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16th Lyon Biennale of Contemporary Art: September 14 – December 31, 2022
Professionals previews: Monday, 12 Sept and Tuesday, 13 Sept 2022
Welcome Pack
Preview days programme
If you have already requested your accreditation, you will receive it by email.
(Don't hesitate to check your spam box).
If you haven't received your accreditation by email, you can retrieve it from 10am on Monday 12 Sept onwards, at the Welcome desk at Fagor factories, Guimet Museum or macLYON, by presenting your accreditation confirmation email.
The accreditation for the Professional Preview days is strictly individual and valid for one person only.
It entitles you to free admission to all the Biennale venues, as well as to the Official opening on 13 Sept at 18h at Fagor factories.
As manifesto of fragility takes place at several venues and requires most possibly more than two days of visit, to be able to visit most of it at your own rhythm, your accreditation is valid from 12 Sept up to 18 Sept included.
As an arts and culture professional (museum and cultural institutions representatives, artists, curators, gallery owners) you can also visit the Lyon Biennale at any time during the exhibition, by purchasing your ticket at the professional rate on our website, from 14 Sept onwards.
PRESS : For all international and national (French) media professionals, please click HERE
Professionals office
To stay informed of the latest news from the 16th Contemporary Art Bienniale
and to integrate the professional file,\
contact us on pros@labiennaledelyon.com