manifesto of fragility – A World of Endless Promise
Site specific installation, mixed media (scaffolding, wooden walls, containers, textile)
Born 1980 in Torhout, Belgium.
Lives and works in Gand, Belgium.
“An experience; what more could it be?
Harmony, rhythm, composition, repetition, structure… Since space is the
experience of relationship between objects in our perception and time
is the experience of relationship between events in our thoughts; spatial
design should feel like music.
Provoking a spontaneous dance between point, line and surface is wished
The intervention relates to what is while framing new potentials to relate to.
Accommodating; providing a meaningful context for others to settle.
Becoming spacious is being generous.
Indoor urbanism is key. Structured while permeable, a playful organizing.
Rearticulating space by adding new layers. A variety of gestures expresses
a new spatial hierarchy; with each gesture its proper logic and language.
Scaffolding, wooden walls, containers and textile. And art, great art relates
to the new given.
Fagor is a city; fragile and monumental. A polycentric, open and vivid
discovery. Dérive! You are free to drift; to wander in wonder.
Enjoy your stay!”
Commission for the 16th edition of the Biennale de Lyon
With the support of Cireme Echafaudages, CAPSA Container
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- manifesto of fragility
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