• Maison Chatiague

    Tence has preserved its character, between stones and slates. High place of the cattle trade when agriculture and trade gave rhythm to the local life, the craft industry and the medium-sized companies replaced the farms. J.Marc Vidal shows the fragility of a human and natural ecosystem in mutation, in black and white.

  • Cinéma La Turbine

    As part of the Adaptabilis exhibition and the Fête de la Science, L’îlot-S will screen the movie “The High Road. Along the Glaciers” directed by Christophe Raylat.

    This 52-minute documentary follows a young group set off to criss-cross the heart of the Alps on skis, from Chamonix to Zermatt. Throughout their crossing, the four protagonists decipher the visible and invisible signs of global warming on the Alpine glaciers.

    The mountain is a barometer of the state of the world, where global warming is three times more visible there than elsewhere. This trip is an opportunity to realize the fragility of our ecosystems and to question the balance to be found with our environment.

    The screening will be followed by a meeting with the film crew.

    A Hello Emotion production in co-production with Ushuaïa TV, 2021

  • Palais de Bondy

    Contemporary Drawing Salon at the Palais de Bondy

  • Bastion de Saint Just

    « CE(UX) QUI NOUS LIE » is a sensitive quest for the meaning of what connects us, makes us meet, love and leave each other. It is a relentless and infinite movement in which birth and death, questions and answers, beginnings soon to become endings get all mixed up. Everything becomes one because everything stems from the same living force, which trembles, quivers, hides and then rises and shines again. Proud, fragile yet resilient.

  • Galerie Valérie Eymeric

    • Solo show from Nurhidayat
    “Fausse note” from 13.10 to 19.11.22

  • Espace Montebello

    Symbiotes is a group exhibition of the resident artists and designers of Espace Montebello. It will be an exhibition in windows. Conceived in collaboration with the merchants, it will start at Espace Montebello and will be visible in their storefronts all along the street.

  • Galerie 29 - Espace culturel

    Médiums artistiques : Céramique & Dessin

  • Yoga Korner

    On thin transparent silk, colorful traces shimmer, undulate and quiver at the slightest breath of air. A strange sound comes from elsewhere, deep and profound, and then at the edge of the treble: the saxophonist walks softly. In symbiosis, a dancer slips through the silences and the pace which sometimes accelerates. Her body embraces the painted shapes and causes the installation to vibrate. The audience seated on cushions is immersed in the artwork.

  • Bastion de Saint Just

    « CE(UX) QUI NOUS LIE » is a sensitive quest for the meaning of what connects us, makes us meet, love and leave each other. It is a relentless and infinite movement in which birth and death, questions and answers, beginnings soon to become endings get all mixed up. Everything becomes one because everything stems from the same living force, which trembles, quivers, hides and then rises and shines again. Proud, fragile yet resilient.

  • Musée des Beaux-Arts de Chambéry

    Meeting with Rachel Poignant

    • Résonance


    La chapelle de la Visitation-espace d'art contemporain

  • Ateliers Au46

    Silvia Lizardo's performance "La casa no existe"

  • Le Creux de l'Enfer, centre d'art contemporain d'intérêt national

    Vernissage à 19h. Navette gratuite au départ de Clermont-Ferrand à 18h. Retour depuis le Creux de l'Enfer à 21h. Infos et réservations : 04 73 80 26 56 / info@creuxdelenfer.fr

  • Le Creux de l'Enfer, centre d'art contemporain d'intérêt national

    Vernissage à 19h.