• La FabriC - espace d'exposition de la Fondation Salomon

    Talk with Helika Hedayat and Philippe Piguet, curator and art critic.

    • Résonance


    L'Assemblée, fabrique artistique

    Justine Berthillot - Performance, dance, and circus

  • Galerie 41

    THE ROOTS, THE VEINS OF THE EARTH, or OUR LINKS. Roots as a metaphor for identity explores notions of place, family and belonging. They highlight the links between individuals, communities and traditions, diversity, shared histories and multiculturalism, all the richness that arises from the diversity of our origins.

  • Musée départemental de la Céramique à Lezoux

    Exhibition following the artist's residency at the museum in the fall of 2023.

  • Galerie Racont'ARTS

    To open up to each other, to understand, accept each other for living better together. TIDRU's busts support sketches that let everyone's inner world be seen, what impressed us and built us within our social and geographical environment.

    • Résonance

    Musical interlude

    Eglise Saint Pancrace de Bans

    Musical interlude with the Conservatoire de musique de Givors

  • Galerie 41

    THE ROOTS, THE VEINS OF THE EARTH, or OUR CONNECTIONS. Roots as a metaphor for identity explores notions of place, family and belonging. They highlight the links between individuals, communities and traditions, diversity, shared histories and multiculturalism, all the richness that arises from the diversity of our origins.

    Opening of the exhibition in the presence of the exhibition curator Paule Martigny and the visual artist Pascale Charrier-Royer alias Pacha, with the performance of Handpan carried out by the musician artist Taz Rolland.

    Pacha presents his series "Racines", oils on canvas, and an installation "Our links".

    • Résonance

    les minuscules


    les minuscules are two performances including reading, music and dance on the subject of childhood, and in particular its little inhabitants who, often out of place, sometimes even disconsidered or mistreated, try to find their place in the great cosmic jumble we call world. they are the tiny people who, between the lines of our texts, trace a sinuous path ; but they're also us, those childlike souls trapped or repressed by our tall, haughty bodies.


    In "Fragment," Caroline Bia revisits Italian Renaissance inspirations through geometric abstraction. By combining a bold colour palette, innovative geometric forms reveal a new perspective on the fundamentals of classic painting.

    • Résonance



    Or contemporary art in the street.

  • La BF15

    visit in partnership with La BF15/Nomade Land Re-edition: Perrine Lacroix Departure point: 114 grande rue de Saint-Clair (stop 9, Sathonay - Castellane)

    • Résonance


    le basculeur

    The fourth exhibition of the 2024 season at Le Basculeur will be the annual autumn exhibition: Flamber.

    Jeanne Cardinal, Corentin Garrido and Marie Pic have been invited to create an original piece for Rocking-Chair#6 and to take part in an exhibition. The two productions are closely linked. The journal will be published on the day of the opening.

    As Rocking-Chair functions as a large collection of newspapers, the idea is to collect verbs as possible invitations. Although each exhibition is different, previous editions respond to each other to create, almost in spite of themselves, a story that weaves itself from year to year. The following verbs and editions have already been presented: To build, To inhabit, To love, To rain, To celebrate and finally To blaze.

    Each exhibition has seen its own journal, and the pieces produced by the artists are conceived in two acts: one in 2D on paper and one or more in the basculeur space.

  • le basculeur

    The fourth exhibition of the 2024 season at Le Basculeur will be the annual autumn exhibition: Flamber.

    Jeanne Cardinal, Corentin Garrido and Marie Pic have been invited to create an original piece for Rocking-Chair#6 and to take part in an exhibition. The two productions are closely linked. The journal will be published on the day of the opening.

    As Rocking-Chair functions as a large collection of newspapers, the idea is to collect verbs as possible invitations. Although each exhibition is different, previous editions respond to each other to create, almost in spite of themselves, a story that weaves itself from year to year. The following verbs and editions have already been presented: To build, To inhabit, To love, To rain, To celebrate and finally To blaze.

    Each exhibition has seen its own journal, and the pieces produced by the artists are conceived in two acts: one in 2D on paper and one or more in the basculeur space.

  • Atelier VÀV

    The term "yakafokon" is an ironic criticism of those who offer apparently simple solutions to complex societal problems. Atelier VàV takes you on an urban walk, inviting you to discover the work of its resident artists on display in a number of shop windows in the Charpennes district.