• Parc naturel régional des Monts d'Ardèche

    LE PARTAGE DES EAUX is an open-air artistic trail that follows the GR7 on the Ardèche mountain for around a hundred kilometers. Since 2017, it has hosted contemporary works of art created by internationally renowned artists: Felice Varini, Gloria Friedmann, Olivier Leroi, Stéphane Thidet, Gilles Clément, Kôichi Kurita (2018), HeHe (2021), Henrique Oliveira (2023). All along the route, the "Mires" imagined by landscapers Gilles Clément and IL Y A and the chestnut furniture designed by designer Eric Benqué offer immersive stops in the landscape. The GPS imagined by the Toplamak collective (frédéric dumond, Anne de Sterk, Eric Watt) accompanies motorists from one work.

  • How can we reconnect housing with its territory by considering its specific characteristics and resources: its materials, its heritage richness, and its regional know-how?

    The exhibition traces how the collective Anatomies d’Architecture took on this challenge during the experimental renovation project of a traditional house in Orne (Normandy): 0% concrete, 0% plastic membranes, 100% natural materials sourced from within 100 km of the site!

    Dive into this adventure through large-format comic boards and interviews that highlight the industries and expertise surrounding the 8 materials used in this renovation: brick, black locust, Douglas fir, hemp, earth, chestnut, recycled cork, and reclaimed oak. Two years of field research were necessary to scientifically document this extraordinary renovation project.

    An exhibition designed by the cooperative Anatomies d’Architecture, with the support of the Maison de l’Architecture de Normandie – le Forum, Les Grands Ateliers, Territoires pionniers, La Maison de l’Architecture Normandie, and the Region of Normandy.

  • La FabriC - espace d'exposition de la Fondation Salomon

    Artists throughout history have always been visual storytellers, capturing the spirit of their time through drawing. From the past to the present day, drawing has played an essential role in understanding civilizations and continues to inspire contemporary artists.

    This exhibition proposes to approach the medium of drawing under its multiple expressions and territories: it is never the simple execution of a project but is above all animated by a graphic energy. By bringing together works from the territories of drawing in motion, animation, and the field of visual arts this collaborative exhibition proposes graphic conversations often unpublished by abolishing all boundaries of time, styles, sectors, ecosystems and hierarchies. Exhibition realized in partnership with the FRAC Picardie, the MIYU gallery and the Claudine and Jean-Marc Salomon Collection.

  • In Résonance with the 2024 edition of the Lyon Biennale - Contemporary Art, L'attrape-couleurs has the pleasure of welcoming the artist Cédric Esturillo Cacciarella.

  • Centre d'art contemporain de Lacoux

    Hugo Pernet was born in 1983 in Paris. He lives and works in Dijon. An artist and poet, he has presented his work in numerous solo exhibitions, notably in galleries, but also in major institutions such as the Palais de Tokyo in Paris in 2009, the Mamco in Geneva in 2015, and the Frac Bourgogne in Dijon in 2022. His works are held in several public collections: Musée d’Art Contemporain de Lyon, Cnap, Frac Nouvelle-Aquitaine, Frac Bourgogne, and Frac Normandie. He is represented by the Valentin Gallery in Paris. He has published several books of poetry with Fissile, Série discrète, and Vanloo editions.

    In his recent paintings, the representation of living beings takes on significant importance. For the Lacoux Contemporary Art Center, he is preparing a specific series of digital drawings inspired by fauna and flora (in the minimalist style that characterizes his work), which will be exhibited outside the building.

  • galerie tatiss

    In Sarah Krespin's work copper's sheen adorns the cotton thread. Intertwined, they form into amorphous, ephemeral sculptures. At once flexible and indocile, dense and light, hesitant and imposing, her works of the "terrain du vague" (wasteland) display an elusive and fleeting presence.

  • Château-Musée de Tournon-sur-Rhône

    Cut through meadows or take a shortcut. The exhibition by Saint-Etienne artist Franck Chalendard takes us on a journey from painting on canvas to painting in volume. At the Château-musée, plastic language, architecture, shapes and colors are superimposed in a renewed creativity.

  • Pile Pont Expo

    In 2024, it's artist Florian de la Salle's turn to take over the raw space of Pile Pont Expo.

  • Parc thermal du Fayet

    Plein Air, an open-air art trail, returns in 2024 as a biennial event, inviting nine artists to install monumental works in the Le Fayet spa park.

  • Musée Bargoin , Clermont Auvergne Métropole

    as part of the FITE - Biennale Textile - Clermont-Ferrand

    • Résonance


    Fort de Feyzin

    Feminine noun - a set of threads that cross with the warp threads, widthways, to make up a fabric; figuratively: that which forms the basis of the binding of an organised thing.

    Between October ‘23 and June ’24, 180 residents of Feyzin, Vénissieux, Corbas and St-Fons got together to build a monumental work imagined by choreographer Jordi Galí. Together, people from 16 to 89 years old and from all walks of life, they created a weaving several metres long, for an outdoor installation exhibited at the Fort de Feyzin. A visual and audio exhibition accompanies the installation, tracing the original process of this creation and revealing the participants.

  • Musée d'Art Roger-Quilliot

    Two installations of Roméo Mivekannin and Trần Quang Đại as part of the FITE - Biennale Textile - Clermont-Ferrand

  • How do we look at the mountains today?

    A source of inspiration and transformation, the mountain's materials, landscapes and uses are observed, magnified and worked on in singular ways in the works presented. Over the years, more than fifteen artists have been invited to Saint-Gervais. Painters, draughtsmen, photographers, sculptors, sound and video artists, they have sought to question what makes the mountains today: how do we look at these landscapes? What do they tell us about their past and their future? What images of the mountains can be produced to activate new imaginations? How do artists use the mountains as a laboratory for artistic experimentation, but also to highlight the changes that are taking place?

  • Ville de Chambéry

    The public can discover Samuel Yal's artistic universe through a tour of the town, indoors and outdoors, featuring 5 works. An exhibition at Espace Larith completes the tour from 12 September to 19 October.

    • Résonance

    Becoming River

    La Yourte

    « I said empty your mind ! Be formless,... shapeless,... like water ! Now Water can flow ! Or Water can crush ! Be like water my friend !... » Bruce Lee.

    • Résonance


    Maison forte de Hautetour

    Artists Timothée Engasser, Théo Peruchon and Jérémy Saint-Léger have been invited to take up a research and creative residency at the Maison forte de Hautetour in spring-summer 2024, where they will explore future climatic events in the Mont-Blanc region and the meteorological rituals and rituals associated with them.

  • Centre d'art contemporain de Lacoux

    For his exhibition "Deuxième regard," Jochen Lempert invites us not only to see but to closely observe a nature that continuously communicates beyond our usual attention. If we take the time to pause and dream, we can perceive the dizzying array of its multiple worlds. This naturalistic perspective also constantly bridges to our social, tangible, and political realities.

    • Résonance

    Traits d'Union

    Chapelle Notre-Dame de l'Ile Barbe

    14 contemporary textile artists exhibit their work in the Chapelle Notre-Dame de l'Île-Barbe - Lyon 9

  • A tree enthusiast, collector of species in the form of pebbles

    Marc Averly presents his sculptures and a slideshow of the various Land Art installations made in France and abroad. In the garden, he offers an ephemeral installation adapted to the place. Dates : from September 1st to October 6th

  • Collection de la Praye

    Akira INUMARU is facinated by the light and its effect on the world of plant. It is the light that inspires his portraits of garden plants. Without ever yielding to decorative risk, he lets a serene, lively emotion act in his works.

  • Manifesta

    Dérives is a group exhibition centered around photography, presented by Binome gallery at Manifesta, 6 Rue Pizay, Lyon 1st, from September 2 to October 25, 2024.

    Featured Artists :

    Laurence Aëgerter, Mustapha Azeroual, Thibault Brunet, Guénaëlle de Carbonnières, Marie Clerel, Philippe Durand, Laurent Lafolie, Marc Lathuillière, Corinne Mercadier, Laurent Millet, Baptiste Rabichon, Lisa Sartorio

    About Binome gallery:

    Since 2010, Binome gallery (Le Marais, Paris) has been dedicated to contemporary photography. Its exhibition and international fair programming welcomes both established and emerging contemporary artists exploring the conceptual and formal boundaries of the medium. Seeking new forms in photography and interested in experimenting with the materiality and mediums of the image, the selection of works notably establishes dialogues with sculpture and drawing, as well as with traditional materials like ceramics and textiles.

  • Galerie Slika

    Drive my car - Artistic residency & personal exhibition of the uruguayen artist duo Maite y Manuel

  • Galerie Catherine Pennec

    Come visit the exclusive sneak preview of the exhibition titled Tea or Coffee ? with the artists themselves.

    A special, private moment to discover the works of Cynthia Pedrosa and Ivan de la Rionda, alone, with family, or with friends.

  • Galerie Catherine Pennec

    Catherine Pennec gallery and Arts coordinator Chloé Guillas, show two painters artists : A woman, Cynthia Pedrosa, and a man, Ivan de la Rionda, come together to share a common dialogue that brings together the figurative and the abstract.

  • Galerie Catherine Pennec

    Opening night of the exhibition Tea or Coffee in the presence of the artists Cynthia Pedrosa and Ivan de la Rionda.

  • Galerie C.Mainguy

    This duo exhibition by Tiphaine Misstif and Catherine Mainguy deals with current rituals and social practices which mark the crucial moments of our lives and create being together

    • Résonance


    Galerie C.Mainguy

    This duo exhibition by Tiphaine Misstif and Catherine Mainguy deals with current rituals and social practices which mark the crucial moments of our lives and create being together.

  • Chromatique

    More than just a drink, more than a social act, coffee is the initiator of appointments, the pretext for meetings, a faithful friend, and the feeling of “home”.

  • Chromatique

    More than just a drink, more than a social act, coffee is the initiator of appointments, the pretext for meetings, a faithful friend, and the feeling of “home”.

  • le basculeur
    • Résonance


    le basculeur
    • Résonance



    In her project ILLUSIO VIRILE, Laurie Joly asks the question of “masculine” Identity to starting from the injunction to “be up to the task”, a universal, timeless and protean duty which is exercised in a system of tests and proofs.


    opening of the exhibition in the presence of the artist

  • La Conciergerie

    Exhibition from 09/11/24 to 11/09/24 Closed from 10/27/24 to 11/03/24

    Through drawing, video, installation and music, Nicolas Gaillardon develops a universe of elusive temporality, which can be read as an archaeological vision of a present in transition. The artist plunges us into the atmosphere of a futuristic road movie, where all that remains are traces of a world we can recognise as our own.

    • Résonance


    La BF15

    Showing or imagining language in different forms is what the exhibition Tourner sa langue is all about.  "Turning" your tongue in your mouth, moving the spoken word around, giving it materiality like these verses in blown glass by Sofia Lautrec, or sketching it out with the stammering drawings by Laurence Cathala. While snatches of poems penetrate the space by being reflected in it, others nestle in the illegibility of a handwriting.

  • Showing or imagining language in different forms is what the exhibition "Tourner sa langue" is all about.  "Turning" your tongue in your mouth, moving the spoken word around, giving it materiality like these verses in blown glass by Sofia Lautrec, or sketching it out with the stammering drawings by Laurence Cathala. While snatches of poems penetrate the space by being reflected in it, others nestle in the illegibility of a handwriting.

    • Résonance

    Le seize

    Street Art Rillieux

    Spacejunk and the artist Veks Van Hillik invite 9 artists from the French and Belgian street art and lowbrow scenes to create an artistic cabinet of curiosities in the basement of a building in Rillieux-la-Pape.

  • Galerie Valérie Eymeric

    Starting in autumn 2023, this new series 'Les Coupoles', part of the 'Espaces baroques' cycle, comprises some 150 pieces, drawings and sculptures in various predetermined formats ranging from 30 to 120 cm in diameter. All these elements, from the shaped canvas to the colours, come together in these works which, even when hung vertically on the wall, are reminiscent of the domes of Baroque churches, where the very special low-angled lighting seems to make the ceiling lift off and the dome fly away. The domes give the title to this brand new series.

  • Espace d' exposition Galerie

    Exhibition of internationally recognized visual artists under the patronage of Igor Eugène Prokop, Claude Jeanmart and Jean Paul Boyer. The space, the exhibition gallery is located in old Lyon. Rue Saint-Georges dates from the Renaissance period and is listed by UNESCO. We invite you to view an exceptional group exhibition and participate in a performance.

  • Bikini

    opening at 6 p.m.

  • Bikini


  • Bikini

    Sarah Duby' works with a text by Pauline Allié

  • La Taille de mon âme

    La Taille de mon âme Gallery invites Réjean Peytavin for a second solo show. In this abundant exhibition, the Franco-Swiss artist presents a body of artwork centered around the vase. Réjean Peytavin offers you the opportunity to discover numerous ceramics, prints, drawings, and performances.

    • Résonance


    Maison du livre de l’image et du son (MLIS) - artothèque

    text by Julie Portier, art critic and curator

    • Résonance


    La Taille de mon âme

    Welcome everyone to the opening of Réjean Peytavin's 2nd Solo Show at La Taille de monâme. Event in the presence of the artist.

  • La Petite Galerie
  • It's all a question of point de vue.

  • Galerie Tator

    In 2024, Galerie Tator celebrates its 30th anniversary. A multi-sensory and participatory program is proposed through 5 exhibitions invoking the 5 senses. Following on from smell, taste and hearing, the Parisian duo JJ Von Panure are invited to question the sense of sight by focusing on a very small scale: that of the "bean-sculpture".

  • Maison du livre de l’image et du son (MLIS) - artothèque

    text by Julie Portier, art critic and curator

    • Résonance


    La Petite Galerie

    "Landscape backgrounds in the works of the great masters of the 16th and 17th centuries were always an object of intense fascination for Numa Droz. On the edge of the main subject, and beyond its anecdotal nature, there was, in these minute details, an open door to an infinite reverie." Pierre Souchaud editor of Artension magazine, (excerpt)

    • Résonance


    Au Cube

    Mirror, an exhibition of painters: G. Amaro, Sarah Jérôme, G. Bussière, R. Renaud, A. Tournissoux, all of whom share a common style of painting over water that transports us through different narratives... Au Cube is an island gallery of passionate collectors keen to share their discoveries.

  • L'Usine

    Faire un pas de côté Exposition de photographies de Grégoire Eloy (Série Le Beau Geste) et Nicolas Rivoire (Série La Clarée) autour de la frontière franco-italienne.

    • Résonance

    Swiss Flex


    Exhibition of the duo Nostal Chic


    Opening of the exhibition "Swiss Flex"

  • The CENTRE CULTUREL D'ÉCULLY is hosting the exhibition FLUX, by the association SCULPTURE TAILLE DIRECTE and the Burkinabe artist Kossi TRAORE, who are collaborating on a joint exhibition project.

    Come and meet the exhibitors at this preview evening.

  • Le Point Commun, espace d'art contemporain

    Throughout the series, Annabelle Guetatra stubbornly carries out a study of the body and its gestures. She tirelessly depicts the same character sketching choreographed gestures at the heart of imaginary rituals, sometimes evoking a dance of death, sometimes a round of joy.

  • The Centre Culturel d'Écully is hosting the exhibition "FLUX", by the association SCULPTURE TAILLE DIRECTE and the Burkinabé artist Kossi TRAORE, who are collaborating on a joint exhibition project.

  • GAC /// Groupe Art Contemporain

    Collective exhibition to inaugurate the new GAC exhibition space

  • La Fabrique des Colombes


    Gérard Bourgey," Private figures, public portraits": 9 paintings Alain Garlan, "Portraits of artists as mere mortals": 12 texts, 12 photographic compositions La Rumeur Libre éditions, 1 book-object /Catalogue raisonné of the exhibition.

    From September 14 to November 9, 2024

    • Résonance



    65 artists, including painters, visual artists, sculptors, and photographers, are participating in the 2024 Salon. The artistic direction is plural and contemporary. More than 250 works are on display.

    • Résonance


    La Fabrique des Colombes

    Opening of the exhibition

  • L'Usine

    Grégoire Eloy, Le Beau Geste Lors des hivers 2021 et 2023, Grégoire Eloy a accompagné les bénévoles des associations citoyennes du Briançonnais et de la vallée de la Roya qui s’engagent jour et nuit en montagne pour venir en aide aux exilés, après leur passage de la frontière franco-italienne. En emboîtant leur pas, Grégoire a voulu témoigner de ce geste simple et beau qu’ils accomplissent : celui de la main tendue vers une personne en difficulté. « Le Beau Geste » a été réalisé dans le cadre de la grande commande de photojournalisme « Radioscopie de la France : regards sur un pays traversé par la crise sanitaire » financée par le Ministère de la culture et pilotée par la BnF Bio Grégoire Eloy est photographe documentaire depuis 2003. Pendant 10 ans il a photographié dans les pays d’Europe de l’Est et d’Asie centrale sur les traces de l’héritage soviétique et les conflits oubliés du Sud Caucase. À partir de 2010, il collabore avec la communauté scientifique pour une trilogie sur la science de la matière, qui a fait l’objet d’une série de livres et d’expositions. En parallèle il s’intéresse à notre rapport à l’environnement et au sauvage lors de résidences immersives en milieu naturel, notamment dans les glaciers des Pyrénées (2021) et l’estran breton (2021-23). Grégoire est membre du collectif Tendance Floue depuis 2016. Il est lauréat de la Bourse du Talent (2004) et du Prix Niépce Gens d’Images (2021).

    Nicolas Rivoire, La Clarée Préselectionné au Prix Caritas - Photo Sociale 2023 et au Prix Mentor- Freelens 2023. Je t’ai confié mon envie de te regarder, en t’invitant à ce que tu me regardes. Nous avons passé ensemble les frontières de territoires méconnus, celles de nos dimensions cachées, et les paysages intérieurs se sont dévoilés. Plus tard je comprendrai que les paroles n’ont finalement que peu d’importance. La présence, la proximité des corps, cette tendresse qui t’est refusée, c’est déjà tout. Si au fil du temps les itinéraires ont changé, passant du Col de l’Echelle qui débouche sur la vallée de la Clarée, au Col de Montgenèvre, le phénomène migratoire observé depuis l’hiver 2016 dans le briançonnais existe toujours. Ainsi, au cours de l’année 2022, plus de 5000 exilés ont franchi à cet endroit la frontière fran- co-italienne. Mu par la volonté d’appréhender cette réalité par moi-même, de l’éprouver pour tenter d’en saisir toute la complexité, j’ai mis mes pas dans ceux des hommes, femmes et enfants, qui chaque nuit à plus de 1800 mètres d’altitude, tentent de franchir la frontière. Devenu participant aux côtés des solidaires, je suis allé de manière concrète – libre – à la rencontre de, et j’ai pu développer des relations fécondes, celles qui permettent de construire une pensée critique basée sur l’expérience. J’ai ressenti le désir de contribuer « à développer le sens de l’identité personnelle aux dépens de l’aliénation», de participer « aux retrouvailles de l’homme avec lui-même » (Edward T. Hall, La dimension cachée - 1966) Et tout en réalisant mes photographies, je n’ai cessé de m’interroger sur les moyens à notre disposition ou à créer qui permettraient de construire des relations humaines dénuées du sentiment de peur et in fine de violence, de conflit.

  • From September 14 to November 23, 2024, URDLA presents La Maladie du Sens, an ambitious monographic exhibition by Anne-Lise Broyer for a dialogue between engraving and photography.

  • Vernissage de l'exposition La Maladie du Sens d'Anne-Lise Broyer présentée par URDLA du 14 septembre au 23 novembre 2024.

  • Visit in partnership with La BF15/Nomade Land Creation: Claude Kovatchévitch Departure point: Clos Jouve End of walk: Parc de la Cerisaie, rue Chazières entrance

    • Résonance

    Off the road

    Musée de l'automobile Henri Malartre

    Expressions borrowed from the automotive world are often used in crisis situations, emergencies, key moments where elements slip out of our control, and tip over. Laura Ben Haïba and Rémi de Chiara invite you to this unique interpretation of sometimes explosive expressions.

    • Résonance

    Print Your Plaque

    Musée de l'automobile Henri Malartre

    What if you creat your own print? Thanks to a clever and almost magical process, you can print your expression and take it home with you!

  • Le Couvent de La Tourette

    40 years after his stay at the Maison Guiette - Le Corbusier's youthful work - Michel Mouffe reunites with the architect by presenting his work at the Convent of La Tourette - a work of maturity. A journey towards the intangible: light, silence, the spiritual quest.

  • CAP - Centre d'art de Saint-Fons

    With Jules Berthonnet, Agathe Berthou, Charlotte Boulc'h, Guénaëlle de Carbonnières, Alexandre Caretti, Lundy Grandpré, Anthony Jacquot-Boeykens, Jules Maillot, Eve Martin, Jean-Julien Ney, Marie Pic, Marguerite Rouan, Kelly Weiss

  • Artissima

    Artissima invites you to discover the exceptional collection of François and Michelle Philippon through a journey in line with the theme of the Biennale, “Les voix des fleuves Crossing the water”.

  • Vernissage of the art exhibition Symbolic Links

  • CAP - Centre d'art de Saint-Fons

    Like Night Needs Morning is Anthony Cudahy's first exhibition in an art center in France. The internationally-renowned artist brings together at CAP a body of work conceived specifically for the exhibition; a previously unseen series of twenty-four large-format drawings exhibited alongside a selection of paintings, a previously unseen video and a large number of the artist's publications. The exhibition highlights a founding aspect of the artist's practice: publishing and, more specifically, self-publishing.

    Curator: Alessandra Prandin

  • CAP - Centre d'art de Saint-Fons
  • CAP - Centre d'art de Saint-Fons
  • Le Toboggan - La Spirale

    Johanna Kravièk invited residents with disabilities to grab charcoal and take, with her, imprints within their daily environment. By reworking with Indian ink, she brought out otherworlds, populated by plants, architecture troglodytes, strange beings.

  • Espace d' exposition Galerie

    Come immerse yourself in a historic place and understand contemporary art in a playful, studious and participatory spirit.

    • Résonance


    Le Patio - Université Lyon 1

    You are welcome to discover Anais Lelièvre first creation, after a year of artistic residency at the Lyon 1 Observatory. Based on scientific knowledges and the University community participation, she created a large sculpture to represent our environment.

  • CAP - Centre d'art de Saint-Fons
    • Résonance

    Press visit

    Atelier de Perrine Lacroix

    an exhibition with Jean-Luc Vilmouth, Perrine Lacroix, Max Sister, Gaël Lévêque, Leïla Vilmouth, Fantine Lacroix curated by Marie Brines

  • Installation of a space for expression of anonymous writings with singular faces. For this biennale, the Fil Rouge artists Collective offers a collaborative, participatory and evolutionary thinking, in writing and in material and in deepening the notion of interactivity. Meet the artists : 18 and 22 september 2024, 03 and 11 october 2024. Contact : filrougefrance@gmail.com

  • Le Faitout

    The Collectif Fil Rouge invites you to meet them during the installation of their artwork.

  • La Salle de bains
  • Atelier de Perrine Lacroix

    an exhibition with Jean-Luc Vilmouth, Perrine Lacroix, Max Sister, Gaël Lévêque, Leïla Vilmouth, Fantine Lacroix curated by Marie Brines in partnership with Le Canut et les Gones

    • Résonance


    Atelier de Perrine Lacroix

    an exhibition with Jean-Luc Vilmouth, Perrine Lacroix, Max Sister, Gaël Lévêque, Leïla Vilmouth, Fantine Lacroix curated by Marie Brines

    • Résonance


    Atelier de Perrine Lacroix

    an exhibition with Jean-Luc Vilmouth, Perrine Lacroix, Max Sister, Gaël Lévêque, Leïla Vilmouth, Fantine Lacroix curated by Marie Brines

  • Through drawing, video, installation and music, Nicolas Gaillardon develops a universe of elusive temporality, which can be read as an archaeological vision of a present in transition. The artist plunges us into the atmosphere of a futuristic road movie, where all that remains are traces of a world we can recognise as our own.

  • Showing or imagining language in different forms is what the exhibition Tourner sa langue is all about.  "Turning" your tongue in your mouth, moving the spoken word around, giving it materiality like these verses in blown glass by Sofia Lautrec, or sketching it out with the stammering drawings by Laurence Cathala. While snatches of poems penetrate the space by being reflected in it, others nestle in the illegibility of a handwriting.

  • Atelier de Perrine Lacroix

    an exhibition with Jean-Luc Vilmouth, Perrine Lacroix, Max Sister, Gaël Lévêque, Leïla Vilmouth, Fantine Lacroix curated by Marie Brines


    "Des portes là où il n"y en a pas" Group show 19 September - 4 October 2024 Opening hours : from Monday to Friday 1pm - 6pm

    Program :

    • Brunch / Press/ Professionnals: 19 september, noon - 5pm

    • Opening: 21 september 2024: ↘ 2pm - 9pm. ↘ Official opening: 6.30 pm

    • Activations : 19 septembre, 21 septembre, 4 octobre

    • Closing of the exhibition: 4 October


    Group show. Research group Art contemporain et temps de l’histoire, Ensba Lyon : Yann Annicchiarico, Maxime Juin, Michala Julínyová, Jérôme Girard, Anna Holveck, Sophie Lamm, Jennifer Lauro Mariani, Jules Maillot, Frédéric Mathevet, Marion Roche, Philippe Rousseau, Bernhard Rüdiger, Adrien Van Melle, Lucas Zambon

  • Cabinet de Curiosités de la Galerie Valérie Eymeric

    "Presque" expresses the gentleness of brushing against, without ever really being able to touch, without ever quite reaching the other, the object, the idea, the object. touch, without ever quite reaching the other, the object, the idea, the targeted dream. The exhibition brings together artists who touch on or explore the question of touch, stirring up and questioning sensitive contact with the works on display.

    • Résonance



    Come and preview the exhibition!

  • Street Art Rillieux

    Nous avons le plaisir d'annoncer l'ouverture du "Seize", un nouvel espace d'exposition éphémère situé au 16 Avenue du Mont-Blanc à Rillieux-la-Pape le jeudi 12 septembre 2024 à 17h30 ! Lors de cet événement, vous aurez l'occasion

  • Eglise Saint Pancrace de Bans

    Les Amis des Arts de Givors ont le plaisir de vous inviter à leur exposition annuelle à l'église Saint Pancrace de Bans. Cette année ils présentent "Naturellement " Hélène BERTIN, Lisa MAZOYER

    « Notre travail est complémentaire La terre, symbole de vie, « chair » de notre existence… Et deux regards… »

  • Galerie Ceysson & Bénétière Lyon

    Antwan Horfee Exhibition : Fantasia

  • Eglise Saint Pancrace de Bans

    Preview Cie Infusion, dancing

  • Artistic residency and solo exhibition of the Uruguayan artist duo Maite y Manuel

  • Le Showroom Galerie 7

    As part of the Lithuanian season in France and the FITE Biennale Textile Clermont-Ferrand.

    • Résonance

    The noise of time


    Here, distances, whether temporal or physical, become more distorted than elsewhere. We navigate between the points of time, sometimes loose and stretched out in these strange spaces, sometimes so brief that they slip through our numbed fingers, before our astonished eyes, leaving only metaphysical imprints, intangible points that seem to be clues to our fleeting identities, always vanished.

  • Nomadic conferences and banquets A Silk me Back program proposed by Isabelle Moulin in line with the themes presented for the Biennale 2024:"The voices of rivers crossing the water", the relationships that bind between beings by rituals of conviviality, hospitality and care, 10 highlights that will take place in the workshops of the TASE factory but also in secret places, inaccessible generously opening their doors for this occasion!

  • Here, distances, whether temporal or physical, become more distorted than elsewhere. We navigate between the points of time, sometimes loose and stretched out in these strange spaces, sometimes so brief that they slip through our numbed fingers, before our astonished eyes, leaving only metaphysical imprints, intangible points that seem to be clues to our fleeting identities, always vanished.

  • "Be careful and do not give into any flirting for the moment "

    Upon invitation of monopôle, the curator Mathilde Belouali organizes an exhibition that will bring together the artists Romain Grateau, Youri Johnson and Melody Lu.

    • Résonance

    Grainy America

    Galerie Regard Sud

    Photographer Nicola Vigilanti exhibits a documentary report of around fifty photos on the vestiges of the American Dream in the 21st century.

  • In resonance with te 17th edition of the Biennale de Lyon, LeGrandLarge is transformed into an exhibition space thus projecting the different projects of the participating artists, on the theme of hospitality.

  • Mercurart

    Based on Alexia Fabre's "connivance with the local territory", Jean-Claude MILLET drew on the concept of a standard horticultural greenhouse, created by Bresse-based visual artist Joël Paubel, to present a greenhouse for growing virtual plants.

  • Galerie d'exposition du Théâtre de Privas

    An exhibition to mark the Olympic Year.

    • Résonance



    Certaines figurent disparaissent sans que leur influence ne meure. Le tilleul centenaire de Moly-Sabata a accueilli tout être passant la grille du parc, jusqu’à être arraché par une tempête l’année passée. Ce type d’arbre en Europe demeure un symbole de bienvenue à travers les âges, planté pour mieux recevoir. Aujourd’hui malgré cette absence, l’hospitalité du site est coriace. L’exposition « Tilia » invite à se demander ce que l’on fait de ce qui reste, et comment continuer à inventer des formes affables. Ainsi en plus d’une attention portée aux façonnages de tant de bois, il s’agit de s’enthousiasmer d’objets qui en reçoivent d’autres, dans une bienveillance imperturbable. Persistent le recueillement, et l’accueil.

  • Street Art Rillieux
  • Le Phénix Hôtel

    The Phénix Hôtel welcomes Carine Figueras and Chez Andy; together, we want to embody the spirit of the Lyon Biennale 2024, an emotionally rich artistic and human experience, where the voices of rivers meet those of artists, venues and art lovers; discovering, discovering each other, enabling, weaving together, with each other.

  • Gadagne

    After a five-month residency at Gadagne, LISA DUROUX AND GUILLAUME PEREZ two artists from Lyon are exhibiting their work, created to reflect one of the Vieux Lyon area's emblematic monuments.

  • Château de Fareins [Bouchet]

    Rimbaud's portrait is a worldwide icon, but its creator Etienne Carjat (1828-1906) is less well known. An exhibition in his native Fareins pays tribute to him and to his cartoonist and photographer friends. They paved the way for today's portraitists.

  • CAUE Rhône Métropole

    During the European Heritage Days on September 21st and 22nd, CAUE Rhône Métropole offers guided tours of its exhibition 'A Tour of Eco-friendly House Materials' every hour at 3 PM, 4 PM, 5 PM, and 6 PM, as well as a 'family' workshop: making earthen walls.

    • Résonance


    L'Assemblée, fabrique artistique


  • Le Studio Art Gallery

    The works that Mara Di Giammatteo proposes for the programme Resonance of the 17th Lyon Biennale - Contemporary Art are works woven on the loom or embroidered, where the theme of memory is investigated through written and native language words as a means of acceptance and communication in the world.

  • L'Assemblée, fabrique artistique

    Collective Exhibition & Artistic Performances

  • L'Assemblée, fabrique artistique

    On the occasion of the opening of "Que (nous) reste-t-il ?" - collective exhibition and artistic performances in resonance with the 17th Biennale de Lyon - Contemporary Art from September 21 to October 7, 2024, curator Iris Munos invites you to discover the works and performances of the artists during this inauguration evening.

    • Résonance

    Devenir Vigne

    Bastion de Saint Just

    This exhibition is an invitation to welcome Bacchus and his retinue, to metamorphose like Ambrosia and open up to untamed biodiversity.

  • This exhibition is an invitation to welcome Bacchus and his retinue, to metamorphose like Ambrosia and open up to untamed biodiversity.

    • Résonance


    L'Assemblée, fabrique artistique

    Installation and culinary experience

  • Bastion de Saint Just
  • Galerie Regard Sud

    Opening of photographer Nicola Vigilanti's exhibition Grainy America

  • L'Assemblée, fabrique artistique
    • Résonance


    L'Assemblée, fabrique artistique

    Installation et Performance

  • Guided circuit of the Murmures du Temps followed by a local picnic: how mining and industrial history, agricultural activity and the hand of man on the landscapes are reflected in the contemporary works of art installed on this route.

  • Parc de la Mairie de Pollionnay

    temporary collective creation
    Residents are invited to create an installation that can remain visible to walkers for some time. This activity is for adults and children who come with their families. Registration required All audiences Date: September 22 from 10 a.m. 2 workshops 10 a.m. -12:30 p.m. and 2:30 p.m. -5 p.m.

  • Le Faitout

    Creatif workshop round Silence to Say

  • L'Assemblée, fabrique artistique

    Performance théâtrale et écriture originale

    • Résonance


    Atelier 27 Watts

    It's a dialogue between two artistic practices: Capucine Dole's graphic work, which asks "where immensities meet", and Maude Ovize's work, which explores different perceptions of the world as so many possible diffractions.

  • Nouvel Institut Franco-Chinois
    • Résonance


    Nouvel Institut Franco-Chinois

    To coincide with the 17th Lyon Biennial of Contemporary Art, the Nouvel Institut Franco-Chinois is presenting a new "Trames" circuit, showcasing the work of five Chinese artists in a variety of venues dedicated to art, culture, heritage and sharing in Lyon, the Greater Lyon area and the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region.

  • Screenings of interviews and film extracts, proposed by Amandine Tochon, exhibition curator

  • Interactive lecture to discover artists and architects of the past whose works still visible today in Lyon's public space.

  • The Phénix Hôtel, Carine Figueras and Chez Andy invite you to the OPENING of the exhibition “This intimate feeling of hospitality”: welcoming, discovering, discovering each other, weaving together... that's how it starts! We look forward to seeing you, sharing this moment and offering you this discovery

    • Résonance


    La Menuiserie

    Le projet Boustrophédon, présenté par Adeline C., est une écriture qui se mêle au dessin par son graphisme avec lequel il tisse une trame.

    • Résonance

    Screen Prints


    In partnership with Atelier Chalopin Sérigraphies, La Factatory will be presenting, in its new spaces, an exhibition of silkscreen prints created by a large number of its residents since 2019, on Thursday September 26 from 2pm to 10pm.

    To mark the occasion, Atelier Chalopin will be generously offering an ephemeral workshop and participatory print run, consisting of a discovery and initiation to the silkscreen printing technique open to all, from 4pm to 7pm.


    Autumn exhibition at La Lisière on the theme of the TransRurality

  • The members of the Sculpture Taille Directe association invite you to a discussion and demonstration of their work and their practice of direct carving on wood and stone.

  • Espace d'exposition Guy de Chauliac

    An exhibition in resonance with the theme of this year's Biennial: Welcome and Hospitality. Ailleurs Ici Partout is an exhibition based on the last poem by the French poet Paul Eluard, through which you can discover the commitment and work of three artists: Niloufar BASIRI, Ghazale BAHIRAIE and Abdul SABOOR.

  • Plasma

    "H2Origine" is an exhibition combining art and science. By its very nature, water connects. From the source to the sea, and through its endless cycle, it links the lands of the planet. Water is essential to our survival. "H2Origine" invites us to return to the birth of life, close to liquid water.

  • Espace d'exposition Guy de Chauliac

    Opening of the exhibition in conjunction with the Lyon Biennial of Contemporary Art

  • Opening of the H2Origine immersive exhibition by Martin Colognoli at Plasma on September 26, 2024.

  • As part of the exhibition and its immersive plastic and sound installation. Alexis Roman (pianist and composer) will perform his original sound composition created especially for H2Origine.

  • Théâtre des Marronniers

    Five actors perform the famous Montreal «Bed-in for peace». In 1969, Yoko Ono and John Lennon spent a week wearing pyjamas in bed, in Elizabeth Hotel, room 1742, to protest against Vietnam War, racial violence, etc.

  • Vieux-Lyon, Cour Palais épiscopal Saint-Jean/Oratoire du Diocèse Catholique de Lyon

    Collective exhibition : Xiaojung SONG, Sohyun PARK, Niloufar BASIRI: «The Old City of Lyon, land of welcome, hospitality». Temple du Change, place du Change 27 septembre - 11 novembre 2024, from Thursday to Sunday

  • Vieux-Lyon, Cour Palais épiscopal Saint-Jean/Oratoire du Diocèse Catholique de Lyon

    The Old City of Lyon, a land of welcome and hospitality, at the heart of Lyon's historic site on the right bank of the Saône, has been a land of welcome since the beginning of its history (foundation of the Roman city of Lugdunum on the hill of Fourvière in 43 BC), and open to the world

  • Vieux-Lyon, Cour Palais épiscopal Saint-Jean/Oratoire du Diocèse Catholique de Lyon

    The Old City of Lyon, a land of welcome and hospitality, at the heart of Lyon's historic site on the right bank of the Saône, has been a land of welcome since the beginning of its history (foundation of the Roman city of Lugdunum on the hill of Fourvière in 43 BC), and open to the world

  • Vieux-Lyon, Cour Palais épiscopal Saint-Jean/Oratoire du Diocèse Catholique de Lyon

    The Old City of Lyon, a land of welcome and hospitality, at the heart of Lyon's historic site on the right bank of the Saône, has been a land of welcome since the beginning of its history (foundation of the Roman city of Lugdunum on the hill of Fourvière in 43 BC), and open to the world

  • Vieux-Lyon, Cour Palais épiscopal Saint-Jean/Oratoire du Diocèse Catholique de Lyon

    The Old City of Lyon, a land of welcome and hospitality, at the heart of Lyon's historic site on the right bank of the Saône, has been a land of welcome since the beginning of its history (foundation of the Roman city of Lugdunum on the hill of Fourvière in 43 BC), and open to the world


    En résonance avec la Biennale de Lyon, les installations de l'exposition EN UN BATTEMENT mettront en scène les relations humaines, les rencontres, la force polyphonique. Cette exposition parle d'universalisme à travers le prisme anatomique, à travers de l'organe cœur, pièce maitresse sans laquelle nous ne pouvons fonctionner. Des cœurs en échos pour rassembler et s'ouvrir à l'autre

  • Fondation Renaud - Fort de Vaise

    The Hélène Linossier Prize is awarded to 3 young art or design graduates from the Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Arts de Lyon (ENSBA). A topic is given in advance during registration, and Ensba Lyon gives artists carte blanche to freely explore this theme.

    • Résonance


    Fondation Renaud - Fort de Vaise

    By virtue of a long tradition and an active policy of supporting artistic professionalization, the Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Arts de Lyon (ENSBA) awards several prizes and exceptional grants each year, specific to the school, to its most talented graduates. The Hélène Linossier Prize is one of them.

  • KOMMET hors-les-murs

    4th nOmad Art Triennial

  • Chemin des Ecoliers

    Trait d’Union, an artistic trail Type: exhibition Introduction: Ephemeral artistic creation on a natural trail in an urbanized area Presentation text: The in situ creation of the artistic trail by Marc Averly engaged in the creation of Art nature allows the artist to meet with all types of public. The project takes into account the specificity of the short, narrow trail, the walker must be able to stop, enjoy the panorama, raise his gaze from where the diversity of the installations and their playful design. You can see him working and meet him on the trail.

  • Vernissage de l'exposition de Delphine Balley. Rencontre avec l'artiste et découverte de l'exposition.

  • Vieux-Lyon, Cour Palais épiscopal Saint-Jean/Oratoire du Diocèse Catholique de Lyon

    Opening of the exhibition on Friday, September 27, 2024 at 7pm, in front of the Catholic Diocese of Lyon at 6 avenue Adolphe Max, Lyon 5th, metro station Vieux-Lyon/Cathédrale St-Jean, line D.

  • Hotshop France

    Discover the ancestral know-how of glassblowing and glass sculpting.

  • AMPLE espace d'art contemporain

    Different perspectives on the concept of series and reproducibility in contemporary art.

    • Résonance

    30+1-3rd edition

    Le Cloitre Art Contemporain

    Laure Abouaf, Nawelle Ainéche, Tatiana Bailly, Audrey Ballacchino, Niloufar Basiri, Ghazale Bahiraie, Coline Bublex, Clémentine Chalançon, Marie-Agnès Charpin, Rosalinde Charpin, Claude Como, Awena Cozannet, Matt Coco, Hylari Dymond, Anne Collier, Myriam Cahn, Gaëlle Foray, Carole Fromenty, Elisabeth Gilbert-Dragic, Eve Koeppel, Nadine Lahoz-Quilez, Frédérique Lucien, Cecilia Moreno Ruiz, Eva Nielsen, Orlan, Anne Petrequin, Sophie Pouille, Jacqueline Salmon, Sylvie Sauvageon, Lise Roussel, Faezeh Zandieh.

  • Atelier LaMezz

    Seveso Garden Party III is one of a series of events organised around the Atelier LaMezz garden, focusing on the notions of conviviality and sharing.

  • Le Cloitre Art Contemporain

    Laure Abouaf, Nawelle Aïnéche, Tatiana Bailly, Audrey Ballacchino, Niloufar Basiri, Ghazale Bahiraie, Coline Bublex, Clémentine Chalançon, Marie-Agnès Charpin, Rosalinde Charpin, Claude Como, Awena Cozannet, Matt Coco, Hylari Dymond, Anne Collier, Myriam Cahn, Gaëlle Foray, Carole Fromenty, Elisabeth Gilbert-Dragic, Eve Koeppel, Nadine Lahoz-Quilez, Frédérique Lucien, Cecilia Moreno Ruiz, Eva Nielsen, Orlan, Anne Petrequin, Sophie Pouille, Jacqueline Salmon, Sylvie Sauvageon, Lise Roussel, Faezeh Zandieh.

  • Institut de mathologie - Pierre Gallais
  • Institut de mathologie - Pierre Gallais

    Vincent Gontier - Pierre Gallais en écho. Au croisement de deux démarches et deux sensibilités.


    Opening of the exhibition

  • Le Studio Art Gallery

    A language is also a set of sounds, music... Fabrizio Chiodetti, dancer and choreographer who today works on the links between dance and the sounds of languages, proposes to explore these links with a public dance presentation. In its Dance Studio in Old Lyon, it intends to welcome the public of the Biennale for a dance performance linked to the exhibition of the works of Mara Di Giammatteo on Sunday September 28, 2024. In an immaterial weave between painting and dance, these two artists venture together to explore themes such as memory, language, signs, sounds, textiles, like two tightrope walkers who share the same thread... the thread of life... the over time

  • In the autumn of 2024, In extenso will host a duo exhibition by Océane Bruel and dylan ray arnold.


    Hip hop'(s) or not?

  • imagespassages

    Performance and talk with the artist MBAYE DIOP

  • This exhibition will explore how the artist Delphine Balley represents domestic and family life through her works, examining family bonds, interior environments, and the objects that inhabit them.

  • Médiathèque du Pays de Mauriac

    Sylvie's creative process is guided by her desire to enhance the value of less noble materials such as cardboard and various types of paper. These materials are most often transformed and assembled, and can be painted using different painting techniques, or worked raw. Honoring nature, questioning human relationships and the notion of balance in our society and its environment are all themes she addresses, combining her emotions and imagination to create works in a variety of forms. Her paintings, bas-reliefs and sculptures are designed to surprise and challenge the viewer.

  • Maison de la danse

    Inventiveness and good humor are present in these Villes de papier (Paper Towns), despite their hot topic, welcoming migrants.

  • L'Alcôve is opening its doors of its studios to the public and inviting you to come and meet the nine artists in residence at the "Behind the Scenes" evening.

    • Résonance

    Inner geography

    Galerie Françoise Besson

    This first monographic exhibition of Julien Guinand within the gallery's walls has been conceived as an atlas with multiple entries, bringing together photographs and films from various series created from the 2000s to the present day.

    • Résonance


    Galerie Françoise Besson
  • La FabriC - espace d'exposition de la Fondation Salomon

    Entretien avec Elika Hedayat mené par Philippe Piguet - critique d'art et commissaire d'exposition.

  • La FabriC - espace d'exposition de la Fondation Salomon

    Talk with Helika Hedayat and Philippe Piguet, curator and art critic.

    • Résonance


    L'Assemblée, fabrique artistique

    Justine Berthillot - Performance, dance, and circus

  • THE ROOTS, THE VEINS OF THE EARTH, or OUR LINKS. Roots as a metaphor for identity explores notions of place, family and belonging. They highlight the links between individuals, communities and traditions, diversity, shared histories and multiculturalism, all the richness that arises from the diversity of our origins.

  • Musée départemental de la Céramique à Lezoux

    Exhibition following the artist's residency at the museum in the fall of 2023.

  • Galerie Racont'ARTS

    To open up to each other, to understand, accept each other for living better together. TIDRU's busts support sketches that let everyone's inner world be seen, what impressed us and built us within our social and geographical environment.

    • Résonance

    Musical interlude

    Eglise Saint Pancrace de Bans

    Musical interlude with the Conservatoire de musique de Givors

  • THE ROOTS, THE VEINS OF THE EARTH, or OUR CONNECTIONS. Roots as a metaphor for identity explores notions of place, family and belonging. They highlight the links between individuals, communities and traditions, diversity, shared histories and multiculturalism, all the richness that arises from the diversity of our origins.

    Opening of the exhibition in the presence of the exhibition curator Paule Martigny and the visual artist Pascale Charrier-Royer alias Pacha, with the performance of Handpan carried out by the musician artist Taz Rolland.

    Pacha presents his series "Racines", oils on canvas, and an installation "Our links".

    • Résonance

    les minuscules


    les minuscules are two performances including reading, music and dance on the subject of childhood, and in particular its little inhabitants who, often out of place, sometimes even disconsidered or mistreated, try to find their place in the great cosmic jumble we call world. they are the tiny people who, between the lines of our texts, trace a sinuous path ; but they're also us, those childlike souls trapped or repressed by our tall, haughty bodies.


    In "Fragment," Caroline Bia revisits Italian Renaissance inspirations through geometric abstraction. By combining a bold colour palette, innovative geometric forms reveal a new perspective on the fundamentals of classic painting.

    • Résonance



    Or contemporary art in the street.

  • visit in partnership with La BF15/Nomade Land Re-edition: Perrine Lacroix Departure point: 114 grande rue de Saint-Clair (stop 9, Sathonay - Castellane)

    • Résonance


    le basculeur

    The fourth exhibition of the 2024 season at Le Basculeur will be the annual autumn exhibition: Flamber.

    Jeanne Cardinal, Corentin Garrido and Marie Pic have been invited to create an original piece for Rocking-Chair#6 and to take part in an exhibition. The two productions are closely linked. The journal will be published on the day of the opening.

    As Rocking-Chair functions as a large collection of newspapers, the idea is to collect verbs as possible invitations. Although each exhibition is different, previous editions respond to each other to create, almost in spite of themselves, a story that weaves itself from year to year. The following verbs and editions have already been presented: To build, To inhabit, To love, To rain, To celebrate and finally To blaze.

    Each exhibition has seen its own journal, and the pieces produced by the artists are conceived in two acts: one in 2D on paper and one or more in the basculeur space.

  • The fourth exhibition of the 2024 season at Le Basculeur will be the annual autumn exhibition: Flamber.

    Jeanne Cardinal, Corentin Garrido and Marie Pic have been invited to create an original piece for Rocking-Chair#6 and to take part in an exhibition. The two productions are closely linked. The journal will be published on the day of the opening.

    As Rocking-Chair functions as a large collection of newspapers, the idea is to collect verbs as possible invitations. Although each exhibition is different, previous editions respond to each other to create, almost in spite of themselves, a story that weaves itself from year to year. The following verbs and editions have already been presented: To build, To inhabit, To love, To rain, To celebrate and finally To blaze.

    Each exhibition has seen its own journal, and the pieces produced by the artists are conceived in two acts: one in 2D on paper and one or more in the basculeur space.

  • The term "yakafokon" is an ironic criticism of those who offer apparently simple solutions to complex societal problems. Atelier VàV takes you on an urban walk, inviting you to discover the work of its resident artists on display in a number of shop windows in the Charpennes district.

  • Galerie Catherine Pennec

    Come and enjoy Tea or Coffee exhibition last day

  • Galerie Domus - Université Lyon 1

    A meeting about rock, as both a scientific, social and artistic objet, with artists Anais Lelièvre, Bertrand Stofleth and two scientists.

    • Résonance


    Friche Artistique Lamartine, 7ème

    Jérôme Dupré la tour & Arnaud Chevalier

  • Friche Artistique Lamartine

    For 2024, in resonance with the Lyon Biennale 2024 and its theme: "La voix des fleuves / Crossing the water", we are proposing "La Friche fleuve intranquille". In response to the Biennale's theme, we will be highlighting the very identity of La Friche, which has been in the making since 2002: open to the city, our venues welcome trans-disciplinary artists. An indefinable yet enduring identity, by its very nature the Friche is a work, is a work, is a work, and will be a work!

    • Résonance


    Le Patio - Université Lyon 1

    Welcome to the inauguration of Anais Lelièvre's artistic creation.


    BAIKAL concert + Guest, the dancer Zélif


    Urban dance discovery workshop with Delphine NAUDIN, Daruma Company

  • Chemin des Ecoliers

    Meeting with the artist, stroll, concert

    • stroll commented by the artist which will lead to stops on the different -achievements and workshops,
    • presentation of the exhibition at the Remise
    • Jazz Funk-Groove concert with the group Come On Guy’s

    Date October 6 - time 2:30 p.m.

    • Résonance

    En un battement


    Production d'une installation, spécialement pour la MJC Confluence. Avec en complément de l'exposition présentation de l’œuvre au enfants en périscolaire

    • Résonance


    Musée du Tisserand Dauphinois

    FLUIDOS | FLUID BODY, a unique interdisciplinary project for the program RESONANCE of the 17th Lyon Biennale. The project extends from corporeality to interactive / participatory relationship with the local public in the region.

    • Résonance

    Digital Open call

    Loft 4-40

    Take part in a collective, digitale Artwork. No skills required.

    • Résonance

    Work In Progress

    Loft 4-40

    Work In Progress merges social tradition with contemporary innovation, presenting aNa Fernandes' distinctive concepts in both an exhibition and a dynamic, participative experience that encourages the active creation of art.

  • Fondation Renaud - Fort de Vaise
  • S'appuyant sur l'ouvrage de Francesca Anicet, Sylvie SAMY nous livre ici son expérience du rapport au temps.

  • Fondation Renaud - Fort de Vaise

    This year, the Société Lyonnaise des Beaux-Arts de Lyon (SLBA) is organizing the 10th Lyon Art Paper contemporary fair. As in 2023, the fair will be held at the Fort de Vaise, home of the Fondation Renaud and professionals.

  • Maison de la Confluence

    Le quartier de la Confluence accueil depuis toujours une grande fête foraine, l'artiste nous embarque dans sa vision de l’évolution de cette zone, du toujours plus, avec la creation d'image par IA, cette zone est ici décrite comme un laboratoire architectural

    • Résonance


    Fondation Renaud - Fort de Vaise
  • Théâtre National Populaire

    Création of Alice Laloy

    The video game on the stage.

  • Les ateliers du collectif

    Invoking both the guest and the outsider, the friend and the stranger, kindness and suspicion, hospitality is deeply imbued with paradoxes and aporias. Is it not a subtle but powerful gateway to the conflicts and dissonances at the heart of our humanity?

  • Les ateliers du collectif

    Opening of exhibition 1: The Paradoxes of an Encounter: In Troubled Waters

  • La Taille de mon âme

    La Taille de mon âme Gallery invites you to take part in the public conversation with Réjean Peytavin to learn more about his approach to ceramics. This evening will be hosted by Guillaume Ducongé, co-director of the gallery

  • Presentation of the exhibition “Roots, vitality and resilience” in connection with abstract expression, by Paule Martigny, in dialogue with the artist Pacha.

    The performance of Handpan proposed by the musical artist Tom Vaylo will open a musical and meditative path at the heart of the exhibition.

    • Résonance



    Jelena Škulis is a Lithuanian artist and researcher, whose creation is based on the link between the matter and the community. She does that by weaving different materials.

  • Maison Nô

    An exhibition in the heart of Lyon in which artists, designers and craftsmen use the glass medium to express their sensibilities.

    GlassArt2024 promotes emerging talents alongside internationally renowned artists.

  • Musée urbain Tony Garnier

    Ordonnance! is an exhibition by 4 photographers from the item collective, at the Musée urbain Tony Garnier. Sandra Calligaro, Romain Étienne, Paloma Laudet and Philippe Somnolet tell the story of the Edouard Herriot Hospital through the lense of photography, a place dedicated to healthcare. Through its architecture, they retrace a medical, human and collective history.

  • La Taille de mon âme

    Réjean Peytavin offers you a one-on-one performance. It immerses you in a slight state of consciousness altered by hypnosis in order to explore the vase within you. There is a historical analogy between the vase and the human body, the latter being a natural symbol common to us all.

  • Nouvel Institut Franco-Chinois
    • Résonance

    Adele's night



    Event: Adele’s Night Friday October 11, 2024 from 6 p.m. to 10 p.m. EXHIBITIONS / EVENTS / OPENINGS In resonance with the 17th Biennale of Contemporary Art in Lyon, the network is offering Adele's Night, a convivial evening punctuated by exhibitions in the structures that make up the network and which participate in this biennial.

  • Showing or imagining language in different forms is what the exhibition Tourner sa langue is all about.  "Turning" your tongue in your mouth, moving the spoken word around, giving it materiality like these verses in blown glass by Sofia Lautrec, or sketching it out with the stammering drawings by Laurence Cathala. While snatches of poems penetrate the space by being reflected in it, others nestle in the illegibility of a handwriting.

  • Atelier de Perrine Lacroix

    an exhibition with Jean-Luc Vilmouth, Perrine Lacroix, Max Sister, Gaël Lévêque, Leïla Vilmouth, Fantine Lacroix curated by Marie Brines in partnership with Le Canut et les Gones

  • Médiathèque du Pays de Mauriac

    Presentation of exhibited works by artist Sylvie LOUDIERES, who will be present at the opening.

    • Possibility on request to the artist: to create other moments of encounter, throughout the month of October (Tel: 06 86 33 58 85).
  • Le Faitout

    Discover the renewed intallation Silence to Say, the "room of confessed secrets".

    • Résonance

    Open Call In-Situ

    Loft 4-40

    Open Call In-Situ

  • Loft 4-40

    aNa Fernandes engages in immersive, interactive performances where she collaborates with the public to create dynamic, collective artworks.

    • Résonance

    Art and Yoga

    Galerie 41

    A caress for the brain thanks to art and yoga

    Do you like art and yoga? Are you simply curious and want to live a unique, multisensory, regenerating and original experience while doing yourself as much good as possible?

  • Friche Artistique Lamartine

    Paintings : Lydie Mariller Sounds-music : Cynthia Caubisens / Estelle Mouge

  • Les ateliers du collectif

    Exhibition 1 of The Paradoxes of an Encounter

    • Résonance

    Closing event

    Atelier de Perrine Lacroix

    an exhibition with Jean-Luc Vilmouth, Perrine Lacroix, Max Sister, Gaël Lévêque, Leïla Vilmouth, Fantine Lacroix curated by Marie Brines

  • Musée de l'automobile Henri Malartre

    Do you know that car design is inspired by human expressions and emotions? With both artists Laura Ben Haïba and Rémi de Chiara, envision the 'faces' of your vehicle and shape your 'car faces'.

  • Visites accompagnées par la médiatrice culturelle Samedis 12/10 - 16/11 - 30/11 et Jeudi 17/10 à 14h30

    Cette exposition explorera la manière dont l’artiste Delphine Balley représente la vie domestique et familiale à travers ses œuvres, en examinant les liens familiaux, les environnements intérieurs et les objets qui les peuplent. L’artiste utilise des techniques photographiques et cinématographiques pour créer un univers esthétique riche, souvent influencé par la peinture.

  • Friche Artistique Lamartine

    Creation : Lydie Mariller

    • Résonance

    Guided tour

    Maison du livre de l’image et du son (MLIS) - artothèque
    • Résonance


    Friche Artistique Lamartine

    Fragments is a sound performance via an immersive audiovisual means.

  • Launch and reading of Versions by Laurence Cathala followed by the presentation of Some of us, Artistes contemporainexs, an anthology, in the presence of Marianne Derrien and Jérôme Cotinet-Alphaize

  • Friche Artistique Lamartine

    A dark room. A slam. A poetic pamphlet on the corruption of Art by the power of Money. The revealing beam of a torch. Two ninja dancers.

    • Résonance


    Friche Artistique Lamartine, 7ème

    AinsiDanseQui is a collective of improvising dancers and musicians from Lyon

    • Résonance

    Red rivers

    Friche Artistique Lamartine, 7ème

    Jul Donner et Jean-Pierre Olinger

  • Street Art Rillieux

    Come and discover the third edition of the Urban Art Festival in Rillieux-la-Pape from October 15 to 26!

  • Atelier Galerie Le Caillou
  • Street Art Rillieux
  • Street Art Rillieux
  • Galerie L'Alcôve

    Embark on a journey along the rivers. "Quand l'eau s'en mêle", a group exhibition that invites us to rethink our relationship with rivers, these vital elements that we must protect to safeguard the future of generations to come.

  • L'Alcôve invites you to the opening of the "Quand l'eau s'en mêle" exhibition, on 17th October from 6pm, an evening to unveil the work of the nine artists who spent three weeks in residence.


    Vernissage de l'exposition "Tant de fleuves se démêlent sous un caillou" Du 18 au 26 octobre 2024, les cinq artistes de la promotion 2024-2025 du Post-diplôme, Art Tin Ayala, Parisa Babaei, Emma Ben Aziza, Maéva Conderolle, Simon Gabourg, présentent sous la forme d’installation, les pièces inédites développées cette année au sein du Post-diplôme.

  • galerie tatiss

    jörg gessner goes back to the origin of the luminous breeze that flows through his paper works. He recalls a dream that has been following him as a child. In this dream, he wanders through the pristine light of immaculate landscapes, until being at the opposite extreme, facing an unfathomable darkness. Suspended between shadow and brightness, between light and ashes, his new works set topography of his childhood dream.

  • Mairie du 1er arrondissement de Lyon - Salle des expositions

    It was created to mark the 40th anniversary of the Observatoire des armements, in conjunction with the 17th Lyon Biennial of Contemporary Art, and contains elements echoing the Bureau Véridique, in collaboration with the artist collective Foutou'art.

  • Galerie Platini - Lyon Célestins

    For 30 years, Galerie Platini has showcased renowned and emerging contemporary artists, united by their talent and dedication. For the 17th Lyon Biennale, marking our 30th anniversary and ten years in Lyon, we highlight their impactful creations, from Veyrier du Lac to the poetic setting of Place des Célestins. Our program also features conferences and meetings to explore current challenges in our field.


    Exposition - Restitution du Post-diplôme Art de l’Ecole des beaux-arts (ENSBA) de Lyon Installations multimédia - Art contemporain

  • Mairie du 1er arrondissement de Lyon - Salle des expositions

    Opening event of the installation created to mark the 40th anniversary of the Observatoire des armements, in conjunction with the 17 th Lyon Biennial - Contemporary Art.

  • Le Creux de l'Enfer, centre d'art contemporain d'intérêt national

    Friday, october 18 at 20:30

    Le Monaco's cinema, Thiers

  • In Résonance with the 2024 edition of the Lyon Biennale - Contemporary Art, L'attrape-couleurs has the pleasure of welcoming the artist Lola Fontanié.

    • Résonance

    Skate Contest

    Street Art Rillieux
  • Musée municipal Paul-Dini de Villefranche-sur-Saône

    Entitled « Les voix des fleuves. Crossing the water », the 17th Lyon Biennale invites artists to meditate on human relationships and values such as altruism. The municipal museum Paul-Dini presents artworks from its collection proposing to question our relations to the surrounding world.

  • CAUE Rhône Métropole

    During the National Architecture Days on October 19 and 20, the CAUE Rhône Métropole offers guided tours of its exhibition "A Tour of Eco-Friendly House Materials" every hour at 3 PM, 4 PM, 5 PM, and 6 PM, as well as a "family" workshop: Earth Plaster Workshop.

  • Collection de la Praye

    "Psygmes" is a polymorphous artistic experience combining graphic poetry, sound and animated. The immersive exhibition offers panels evoking comic strips, accompanied by synchronized music.. A cartoon based on these images completes this singular, dreamlike event.

    • Résonance

    Opening "Shadows"


    Presentation by Laurie Joly of a betting game into the abyss of spaces, bodies and processes.

  • Factatory

    This residency is an opportunity for Théophile Péris to return to the Lyon metropolitan area, following a 1st residency and exhibition at CAP ST Fons, which took place between June 2023 and June 2024.

  • Maison des Arts Contemporains de Pérouges

    The curator of the exhibition whose is « Là » of Marie Charpin is Cyrille Noirjean, URDLA’s director. Some engraving, lithography….produced by the URDLA will be presented next to the exhibited works.
    Exhibition is opening by appointment on Saturday and Sunday at 14h to 18h.

  • Galerie Houg
  • "Katabasis Soteria" is an artistic exploration in three acts, in which I invite the spectator to plunge into an inner journey, under the guiding thread of water. Each act offers a unique vision of the path of descent into rebirth.

  • Maison du livre de l’image et du son (MLIS) - artothèque
  • Le Creux de l'Enfer, centre d'art contemporain d'intérêt national

    Concert/Opening at Creux de l’Enfer, in the place of l’Usine du May

    • Résonance

    Vide Noir

    Friche Artistique Lamartine, 7ème
  • Le Creux de l'Enfer, centre d'art contemporain d'intérêt national

    Exhibition from october 25 to january 19 at Creux de l’Enfer (site de l’usine du May), Thiers (63)

  • Nouvel Institut Franco-Chinois
  • Atelier Galerie Le Caillou

    on-site installation

  • Mercurart

    Just as the Neolithic stonemason's skill (hands), sensitivity (beauty) and intelligence (use) revealed his work, so Jean-Claude MILLET's installations in the rock of liberty create an arrow of knowledge, in the name of liberty-equality-fraternity.

  • L’Alcôve invites you to a get together around the poetic work of Keletigui Sylla, on october 25th, at 6:30 PM, an evening to discover his recent work and his collection of poetry “Ecrire sans arrêt”.

    • Résonance



    QUINTET, artists run space, opens the studio doors for a pop-up exhibition dedicated to tableware. From the opening to the closing, the artists will create an appetising, collective and lively work of art. A project by Azed, Théo Beaumont, Mathieu Le Breton, Hippolyte Noiry, Sphinx with their guests; Léna Mačka, Alice Mulliez, Cécile Villemain.

  • Aponia Lieu d'Art Contemporain
    • Résonance


    Opéra de Lyon

    This three-fold journey through the history of dance includes Jiří Kylián’s enigmatic Bella Figura, Trisha Brown’s lively Set and Reset/Reset and Jan Martens’ mischievous Period Piece. These works are just like the Ballet: skillful and adventurous.

  • Aponia Lieu d'Art Contemporain
  • Aponia Lieu d'Art Contemporain
  • Le Creux de l'Enfer, centre d'art contemporain d'intérêt national
    • Wednesday, october 30th at 10:30 am

    • Thursday, january 2nd at 10:30 am

  • Théâtre de l'Élysée

    Somatic sequence and financial movements.

  • "What I loved" is a collective exhibition aimed at resonating a selection of works from the 31 Project gallery, highlighting the carefully built connections between the gallery owner, Clémence Houdart, and each of the represented artists. "What I loved" is a tribute to the eponymous novel by Siri Hustvedt, where art and creation form the foundation of love and friendship.

    An exhibition available from October 31 to December 6, 2024, at Manifesta, 6 rue Pizay Lyon 1st.

    Featured artists: Kelani Abass, M'barka Amor, Mariama Conteh, Epheas Maposa, Georgina Maxim, Charlotte Yonga

    About the 31 Project gallery: 31 PROJECT is a gallery dedicated to promoting contemporary African art scenes through multidisciplinary exhibitions of artists from the continent and the diaspora. It was founded in 2019 by Clémence Houdart in Paris.

  • "Take a Video Camera and Travel the World" presents three video works by Lithuanian artists in November in Lyon, Pont-en-Royans and Corbas, as part of the Season of Lithuania in France 2024. This program is part of the Ciconia Ciconia project, managed by Studio Ganek and LIAA Vilnius.

  • Le Creux de l'Enfer, centre d'art contemporain d'intérêt national

    First saturday of each month at 15.00

    • Saturday, november 2nd

    • Saturday, december 7th

    • Saturday, january 4th

  • In resonance with the Contemporary Art Biennale, the MJC hosts a river of inspiration, where the works of artists and neighborhood residents come together harmoniously. It reflects our community, inviting everyone to contribute and be inspired.

  • The CACL is continuing a new cycle of support in collaboration with the DRAC Auvergne – Rhône-Alpes – Ministry of Culture – Companionship. We are excited to create special connections in 2024 with artists Valentin Merle and Floriane Facchini.

    On November 9, a major exhibition banquet will be organized alongside the four first invited artists, including Romane Chabrol and Zoé Chalaux, who joined us in 2023. This event will be held in partnership with La Luge.

  • Mairie du 1er arrondissement de Lyon - Salle des expositions

    Join us for the closing event of the installation created to mark the 40th anniversary of the Observatoire des armements, in conjunction with the 17 th Lyon Biennial - Contemporary Art.


    Exposition de diplômé·es 6 au 30 novembre 2024

    Vernissage mardi 5 novembre

    Palais de Bondy 18 quai de Bondy 69005 Lyon

  • La Taille de mon âme

    Réjean Peytavin will once again be present at the gallery during the closing evening of his exhibition I see the vase in you. Welcome everybody.

    • Résonance

    Living Mémories

    La Petite Galerie

    "Mémoires vives" is Marie-Agnès Gachet Mauroz's first solo show at the small Françoise Besson gallery. It will feature some thirty works, following on from those shown in the exhibition l'Oeil et le Coeur, from the collection of Françoise Besson.

    The works are created with a bias towards relief, wax composition and the fusion of materials, resulting in a pictorial expression in which the treatment of matter alone is the subject. Fragments of memory, mutated into projections on canvas and paper, create a universe where emotions become colors.

    • Résonance


    La BF15

    As part of the Lithuanian Season in France and the Contre-sens festival in Lyon, La BF15 is delighted to present the work of artist Stasys Eidrigevicius. Alongside drawings on paper, large white canvases suspended in space spectacularly reveal the sensitivity and freedom of his visual universe. The exhibition Lignes invites us to explore the perimeter of the sheet, the canvas and poetic, geographical and political territories.

  • Galerie C.Mainguy

    LISTEN TO ME brings together three artists who summon memory, traces and repair.

    • Résonance


    Galerie C.Mainguy

    LISTEN TO ME brings together three artists who summon memory, traces and repair.

  • Théâtre de La Renaissance

    A restless odyssey with rock accents, about Portuguese uprooting: the cry from the heart of an entire people, from which we do not emerge unscathed.

  • Join us to celebrate this fusion of expressions and talents at the opening of the exhibition.

  • La BF15

    As part of the Lithuanian Season in France and the Contre-Sens festival in Lyon, La BF15 is delighted to present the work of artist Stasys Eidrigevicius. Alongside drawings on paper, large white canvases suspended in space spectacularly reveal the sensitivity and freedom of his visual universe. The exhibition Lignes invites us to explore the perimeter of the sheet, the canvas and poetic, geographical and political territories.

    • Résonance


    La Fabrique des Colombes

    Event organized by Espace Pandora as part of the Parole Ambulante Festival

    • Résonance

    RE-Opening night

    Musée d'art moderne et contemporain de Saint-Étienne Métropole
  • Atelier LaMezz

    The craftsman's or artist's studio is a world in itself. How does this world generate forms, and what imaginaries are produced? Claire Georgina Daudin and Lou Nugues take up these questions through a sensitive study of two workshop-worlds, exploring the worlds they enclose.

  • The exhibition project is based on the encounter between the work of two artists, Claire Georgina Daudin and Lou Nugues, through specific workshops. Each in her own way has taken up the plastic questions raised by the study of craftsmen's and artists' studios.

  • Musée d'art moderne et contemporain de Saint-Étienne Métropole
  • Musée d'art moderne et contemporain de Saint-Étienne Métropole

    Lauréate de la 11e édition du Prix des Partenaires du MAMC+ dédié aux arts graphiques, Anne Bourse a conçu, pour sa première exposition personnelle dans un musée en France, un ensemble de nouvelles œuvres.

  • Visit as part of a partnership between La BF15/Nomade Land Re-edition: Claude Kovatchévitch Departure point: Institut d'Art Contemporain, rue du Docteur Dolard, 69100 Villeurbanne

    • Résonance

    Out of season


    In March 2018, Yves Monnier was invited to participate in an arts-sciences research project by Jennifer Buyck. At the time, she was an architect and urban planner at IUGA. Today, she still works as an architect and urban planner, but at Eiffel University in Paris.

  • Musée de Valence - art et archéologie

    Le Musée de Valence – art et archéologie présente une exposition-événement célébrant les 30 ans de l’invitation de Jaume Plensa par la ville de Valence. En 1994, l’artiste investissait en effet des sites emblématiques de la ville et les vitrines de ses quartiers commerçants dans le cadre de la Biennale Un Sculpteur, Une Ville. En 2024, il répond à une nouvelle invitation de la cité drômoise pour l’installation d’une œuvre monumentale pérenne au cœur du centre historique. À cette occasion, une exposition est imaginée pour le musée de Valence, parcours poétique cheminant au travers d’œuvres de la fin des années 1980 à aujourd’hui.

  • Studio Ganek

    ‘Rendez-Vous Page X' is an exhibition-process by artist Floraine Sintès in the Tolstoy district of Villeurbanne, following a series of collective writing workshops for a novel in which your group is the hero.

  • Vieux-Lyon, Cour Palais épiscopal Saint-Jean/Oratoire du Diocèse Catholique de Lyon

    Mickaël FRONTINI, priest, abstract painter : "open to imagination and sharing" 12 november 2024 – 5 january 2025, 7 days/7 Extension of the Old City of Lyon exhibition in resonance with 17th Lyon Biennale 2024.

  • Nouvel Institut Franco-Chinois
  • Atelier L'ANGLE DU 13 - Sylvie Loudieres

    Discover my world: Behind the scenes of my studio and presentation of my working techniques: Around recycled paper and cardboard. Presentation of the works on display, all around my workspace.

    • Résonance


    BLITZ galerie

    This exhibition of unpublished paintings retraces two aspects of Auguste's pictorial work relating to dramatic events which take place in the world and which, although sometimes past, recur. On the one hand paintings from the “VORTEX” collection enriched and completed since 2002, and on the other hand pieces from “METAPHYSICA”, a collection of dramatic paintings designed like collages and inhabited by giants.

  • MLG invites us into the weaving of worlds. Her latest show is an immersive experience of wonderful and joyous strangeness composed of suspended sculptures and other organism-creatures, all Life-inspired. Organic soundscapes in collusion by Vincent Duc.

    • Résonance


    La Menuiserie

    Cette exposition d’œuvres de techniques mixtes met en perspective les traces de la rencontre entre l’homme et les structures symboliques qui le traversent.

    • Résonance



    a shape by Théophile Thomas, accompanied by an algorigram by Théophile Thomas

  • Bikini

    Bikini invites you to discover ShapeGen, an exhibition by Théophile Thomas, accompanied by an algorigram by Théophile Thomas at the opening on November 14 from 6pm.

    • Résonance


    Strate école de design

    Artists, designers and craftsmen will share their experiences and thoughts about social and environmental dimensions in contemporary glass design.

  • Maison de la danse

    In a fresco for nine dancers, Dalila Belaza deploys her joyful trance for the first time on the stage of the Maison de la danse.

  • In 2024, Galerie Tator celebrates its 30th anniversary. A multi-sensory and participatory program is proposed through 5 exhibitions calling on the 5 senses. After smell, taste, hearing and sight, all that's missing is touch to complete this exploration of the senses. Théophile Péris proposes to transform Tator's spaces into a veritable cocoon of scent, haptics and touch.

    • Résonance


    Galerie Françoise Besson
    • Résonance

    What connect us

    Le Cloitre Art Contemporain

    Blaise Adilon, Patrick Condouret, Pierre David, Gardar Eide-Einarsson, Jean-Lucien Guillaume, Rémy Jacquier, Frédéric Khodja, Reza Kabirnia, Jérémy Liron, Suan Muller, Markus Raetz, Niek van de Steeg, Bernard Venet

  • Le Cloitre Art Contemporain

    Blaise Adilon, Patrick Condouret, Pierre David, Gardar Eide-Einarsson, Jean-Lucien Guillaume, Rémy Jacquier, Frédéric Khodja, Reza Kabirnia, Jérémy Liron, Suan Muller, Markus Raetz, Niek van de Steeg, Bernard Venet

  • Galerie Françoise Besson

    Françoise Besson has invited photographer Yveline Loiseur and Michel Poivert, curator of the exhibition and photography historian, to compose arrangements on the gallery's large walls based on representations of human relationships, in particular those between childhood and old age, in relation to other living beings such as water, flowers and trees.

  • How did the Saulaie district of Oullins develop around the railway adventure, and what role does it still play today? This urban stroll will explore the traces and their significance for the future of the site.

  • Résidence d'art an· other here

    The an· other here nomadic residency invites the Polynome collective to imagine an artistic event in the context of Gisèle Gonon and Nina Nowak's research and creative residencies in Montbrun-les-Bains.

  • Explore the history of art through the senses with an innovative experience.

  • Galerie Regard Sud

    L'amour se porte autour du cou is a series taken from Rima Samman's family album, mixing identity photos and group photos, colored by hand.

  • Jean-Claude MILLET's mastery of combinatorial techniques enables him to approach many disciplines from a creative angle. He has experimented with what he calls lexical genetics. He created the word "Liberté-Égalité-Fraternité" in the form of a performance.

  • Cabinet de Curiosités de la Galerie Valérie Eymeric

    The "Moi, élève" sound installation follows on from the "Autopsie" series "Autopsie" series (2020-2021) presented in Lyon at the Cabinet de Curiosité of the gallery Valérie Eymeric.

  • Cabinet de Curiosités de la Galerie Valérie Eymeric

    Violaine Desportes' 'Autopsy' series was based on photographs of pupils' school kits. It is important for the artist to start from reality, to delve into it, in a hyper-realistic approach, in black and white on paper. Christophe Moreau also observes his fellow artists. In his black and white portraits, he strives to master the light, which plays a key role in his work. Unlike Violaine Desportes, he is gradually moving away from realism. Both of them will be showing us two aspects of contemporary figurative art and black-and-white drawing. They will challenge us with their own view of the world.

  • La Serre / ancienne école des beaux-arts

    Since October 2022, the City of Saint-Etienne has been making 17 individual and collective studios available to visual artists in its former fine arts school. Equipped with spaces for production, distribution, accommodation and conviviality, the site aims to provide artists with a range of tools to support the development of their professional careers.
    To coincide with the Lyon Biennial of Contemporary Art, fifteen artists are opening the doors of their studios.

  • Les ateliers du collectif

    Opening of the exhibition 2: The Paradoxes of an Encounter: Towards Elsewhere

  • Opening of Rima Samman's exhibition "L'amour se porte autour du cou"

  • La Serre / ancienne école des beaux-arts

    Since 2021, La Serre and the Creux de l'enfer national art centre (Thiers), have been working in partnership to organise a residency aimed at improving the artistic presence in their area and encouraging the public to encounter the art of our time. The winner of the 2024 competition, designer Grégory Granados, is presenting the results of his residency at La Serre in an exhibition entitled Résonances industrielles.

  • La Serre / ancienne école des beaux-arts

    Since 2021, La Serre and the Creux de l'enfer national art centre (Thiers), have been working in partnership to organise a residency aimed at improving the artistic presence in their area and encouraging the public to encounter the art of our time. The winner of the 2024 competition, designer Grégory Granados, is presenting the results of his residency at La Serre in an exhibition entitled Résonances industrielles.

  • Spacejunk Lyon

    The Spacejunk Art Center presents the new exhibition of Venezuelan artist Koz Dos

    • Résonance

    Towards Elsewhere

    Les ateliers du collectif

    Exhibition 2 of The Paradoxes of an Encounter

    • Résonance

    Quiet evening

    AMPLE espace d'art contemporain

    Images, objects, people slowly turn on themselves to summon collective imagination and singular readings.

  • Maison du livre de l’image et du son (MLIS) - artothèque
    • Résonance


    le basculeur

    La quatrième exposition de la saison 2024 au basculeur sera l’exposition annuelle de l'automne : Flamber.

    Jeanne Cardinal, Corentin Garrido, Marie Pic sont invité·es à créer une pièce originale dans le journal Rocking-Chair#6 ainsi qu'à participer à une exposition. Les deux productions sont étroitement liées. La parution du journal à lieu le jour du vernissage.

    Rocking-Chair fonctionnant comme une grande collection de journaux, l’idée est de collecter des verbes comme autant de possibilités d’invitations. Bien que chaque exposition soit différente, les éditions précédentes se répondent pour créer, presque malgré elles, une histoire qui se tisse d’année en année. Ainsi, il y a d'ore et déjà eu les verbes et éditions suivantes : Construire, Habiter, Aimer, Pleuvoir, Célébrer et en enfin Flamber.

    Chaque exposition a donc vu son journal et les pièces produites par les artistes sont pensées en deux actes : une en 2D sur papier et une ou plusieurs dans l'espace du basculeur.

  • The "La dynamique des choses" collective is made up of 5 women artists based in France, Luxembourg and Germany. They combine their know-how and individual artistic practices: performance, drawing, installation, sculpture, weaving, dance, costume design... to offer moments of co-creation and sharing with the public. They travel throughout the European Union, setting up multidisciplinary research and creation micro-residencies in which the public is invited to create or activate devices, leading to the creation of pieces that evolve from residency to residency.

    • Résonance


    galerie tatiss

    Beatrice Bréchignac hangs her sculptures among this fabric-like canopy of branches she paints. Skin to skin, they swing between heaven and earth, and look upward. The artist scatters around them fragments of her own universe: poetic extracts, treasures gleaned during her walks, fragments of textures and bursts of sensations.

  • Galerie Ceysson & Bénétière Lyon
    • Résonance


    La BF15

    Viriya Chotpanyavisut's work is motivated by a desire to be "out there" - in contact with other species - and by the desire to engage in a dialogue with them through images. He orchestrates his images around the question of the relationship between living beings. The artist questions the possibility of the common, of the instantaneous, and tries to create links in the disparity of his photographs. His artistic practice is based on his ability to contemplate the little things of everyday life and capture them in photographs. He tries to transform the appearance of these obsolete objects by giving them a certain intimacy, a certain life.

  • For their second conference in Lyon, the members of Anatomies d’Architecture will delve into construction techniques based on local materials they have experimented with in Normandy. They will also discuss the research they are conducting for the CAUE in the Rhône department and the Lyon Metropolis.

  • Galerie Houg

    Nils Vandevenne's first solo show at Galerie Houg

  • La BF15

    Viriya Chotpanyavisut's work is motivated by a desire to be "out there" - in contact with other species - and by the desire to engage in a dialogue with them through images. He orchestrates his images around the question of the relationship between living beings. The artist questions the possibility of the common, of the instantaneous, and tries to create links in the disparity of his photographs. His artistic practice is based on his ability to contemplate the little things of everyday life and capture them in photographs. He tries to transform the appearance of these obsolete objects by giving them a certain intimacy, a certain life.

  • Le Point Commun, espace d'art contemporain

    Self-narratives and the experience of reciprocity are at the heart of Carla Adra’s practice. Through collective performative experiences, it organizes moments of encounters, in which she leaves her voice to the other and tries to make a word audible often disqualified.

  • Bonnet-Abelin Art Gallery

    From 1 to 15 December 2024, the Bonnet-Abelin gallery will be offering the public an exhibition of works by JM Calvet that resonate with the Biennial's project, namely the relationship between people, punctuated by the rivers that surround us.





    MAIN PROJECT ACTORS : Résidents of « la colline de la soie »

    PHOTOGRAPHER : Vincent Flouret

    ASSOCIATED ARTISTS : Juliette Journiaux, Actor, Vanessa Rey, Actor, Clown, Sarah Perret Vignau, Dancer Performer

    ARTISTIC SUPPORT : Cécile Combaret-Guignand, Momentum

    SPONSORS : Groupe APICIL, Groupe ACPPA

    • Résonance

    Light show


    Discover the fascinating universe of molten glass. A contemplative and poetic show putting in the spotlight glass gestures, listed as world heritage of humanity by UNESCO since decembre 2023.

  • GAC /// Groupe Art Contemporain
  • End of residency presentation and visit with artist Jeanne Vrastor at Moly-Sabata - Fondation Albert Gleizes in collaboration with monopôle, December 6th and 7th.

  • Le Point Commun, espace d'art contemporain

    Alice Brygo develops a practice on the border between fantastic cinema, documentary method and immersive installation. Her work testifies to a generational uncertainty in the face of fragile times.

    • Résonance

    En un battement

    Les Mousselines - Tarare

    L'installation présentée, évoluera avec l'intervention des résidents

    • Résonance

    En un battement

    L'espace Providence - Tarare

    l'installation EN UN BATTEMENT parle de l’universalité, à travers l'organe du CŒUR, en amont de l'exposition l'artiste organisera des temps de co-creation avec les résidents

  • le basculeur

    Christmas sale ~ works of art & editions Fifteen guest artists

    • Résonance


    le basculeur

    Christmas sale ~ works of art & editions Fifteen guest artists

  • After several years of absence, the most iconoclastic of choreographers returns to Lyon with a project that invites the public to enjoy a unique experience.

    • Résonance

    Tainted Love


    Solo show of the artist Bérénice Nouvel

    • Résonance


  • CAP - Centre d'art de Saint-Fons

    Marina Caneve (b. 1988) is an Italian artist-photographer whose work explores major environmental, social and cultural changes. In December 2024, Marina Caneve will hold her first solo exhibition in France at CAP.

  • Le Creux de l'Enfer, centre d'art contemporain d'intérêt national

    Saturday, december 14th

    10.30am : Monotype workshop wtih the artist Marie Losier Time : 1h30. Price : 5€/person. Free for members and their chlid.

    15.00 : Guided tour of the exhibition Kino Volcano with the artist Marie Losier and Sophie Auger-Grappin, curator of the exhibition.

    16.00 : Simon Fravega's performance

  • CAP - Centre d'art de Saint-Fons
  • Galerie Françoise Besson