• Institut de mathologie - Pierre Gallais

  • Institut de mathologie - Pierre Gallais

    Vincent Gontier - Pierre Gallais en écho. Au croisement de deux démarches et deux sensibilités.


    Opening of the exhibition

  • Le Studio Art Gallery

    A language is also a set of sounds, music... Fabrizio Chiodetti, dancer and choreographer who today works on the links between dance and the sounds of languages, proposes to explore these links with a public dance presentation. In its Dance Studio in Old Lyon, it intends to welcome the public of the Biennale for a dance performance linked to the exhibition of the works of Mara Di Giammatteo on Sunday September 28, 2024. In an immaterial weave between painting and dance, these two artists venture together to explore themes such as memory, language, signs, sounds, textiles, like two tightrope walkers who share the same thread... the thread of life... the over time

  • In extenso

    In the autumn of 2024, In extenso will host a duo exhibition by Océane Bruel and dylan ray arnold.


    Hip hop'(s) or not?

  • imagespassages

    Performance and talk with the artist MBAYE DIOP

  • L' ANGLE

    This exhibition will explore how the artist Delphine Balley represents domestic and family life through her works, examining family bonds, interior environments, and the objects that inhabit them.

  • Médiathèque du Pays de Mauriac

    Sylvie's creative process is guided by her desire to enhance the value of less noble materials such as cardboard and various types of paper. These materials are most often transformed and assembled, and can be painted using different painting techniques, or worked raw. Honoring nature, questioning human relationships and the notion of balance in our society and its environment are all themes she addresses, combining her emotions and imagination to create works in a variety of forms. Her paintings, bas-reliefs and sculptures are designed to surprise and challenge the viewer.

  • Maison de la danse

    Inventiveness and good humor are present in these Villes de papier (Paper Towns), despite their hot topic, welcoming migrants.

  • Galerie L'Alcôve

    L'Alcôve is opening its doors of its studios to the public and inviting you to come and meet the nine artists in residence at the "Behind the Scenes" evening.

    • Résonance

    Inner geography

    Galerie Françoise Besson

    This first monographic exhibition of Julien Guinand within the gallery's walls has been conceived as an atlas with multiple entries, bringing together photographs and films from various series created from the 2000s to the present day.

    • Résonance


    Galerie Françoise Besson

  • La FabriC - espace d'exposition de la Fondation Salomon

    Entretien avec Elika Hedayat mené par Philippe Piguet - critique d'art et commissaire d'exposition.