• Résonance

    Exposition Reperi

    Bastion de Saint Just

    "We question the sensitive and the transience of existence (material trace in clay and photos on tree leaves). Seize the present to stem the future as it is announced."
    A duo exhibition by two residents of Gamut, presented in the underground galleries of the Bastion Saint-Just.

  • Bastion de Saint Just

    "We question the sensitive and the transience of existence (material trace in clay and photos on tree leaves). Seize the present to stem the future as it is announced." A duo exhibition by two residents of Gamut, presented in the underground galleries of the Bastion Saint-Just.

    • Résonance

    Dine With me

    Galerie POUM

    Dine with me, wood and fabric, Maayan Sophia Weisstub, Curated by Yael Gelman

  • Atelier Sumo

    La roche qui danse is a workshop opening proposed by the resident artists.
    This collective exhibition brings together the works and research in progress of Valentin Defaux, Antoine Dochniak, Olivier Neden and Marie Pic.

    • Résonance


    La Halle des bouchers

    Emmanuel LOUISGRAND
    Depuis plusieurs années Emmanuel Louisgrand intervient sur des lieux, parfois délaissés, qu’il révèle, à qui il redonne vie de façon très poétique, des « espaces à jardiner » dans lesquels le geste serait davantage celui du sculpteur que celui du jardinier.

  • Le Point Commun, espace d'art contemporain

    Jeanne Berbinau Aubry develops a work of sculpture and installation where the study of matter and its potential distortions occupies a fundamental place. Dissecting mechanisms and phenomena as much as concepts and prerequisites, she diverts their manifestations, both physical and symbolic, to lead them towards often paradoxical alternatives to their primary destination.

    • Résonance

    de fil en 4

    La Fabrique des Colombes

    Collective exhibition -de fil en 4- on the theme of textiles in contemporary art Works by Marie-Noëlle Deverre, Nadine Lahoz-Quilez, Sophie Menuet, Mireï l.r. Curator: Jean-Marc Revy

  • La Fabrique des Colombes

    Opening on September 17 at 11 a.m. followed by a conference by Yves Sabourin (2:30 p.m.)
    "Textile know-how and contemporary art, the same heritage"

  • La Halle

    Opening "Tenir debout" - Zohreh Zavareh

  • La Halle

  • La Remise

    Exhibition Geneviève Dumont

  • Montagne magique

    Grande inauguration de Montagne magique: visite des ateliers d'artistes contemporain.es, d'atelier d'artisanat d'art, d'une partie de la collection Jean-Marc et Claudine Salomon, dégustation de la brasserie du Bugey, vernissage de l'exposition de Norbert Godon, Formes de pensées

  • Montagne magique

    Vernissage de l'exposition Formes de pensées, de Norbert Godon, artiste invité pour la grande inauguration de Montagne magique.

  • Galerie Colora

    The place :
    Several artists offer live performances from the art gallery on themes of fragility and emotions.
    The public (families, adults, children) will be encouraged to participate in the entertainment.

  • Ateliers Au46

    Oral and graphic performance around cartomancie, one of the components of the JM Braizat’s creative process. The artist invites the public to a drawing of cards under the influence of the Moon. It will be the major Arcana of the evening. The night star resists the darkness of the cosmos. It is the resource star of the Earth: the movements of the oceans, the fragile nature are revived and regenerated thanks to the freshness and the apparent magnitude. It is also Ying and Yang, the hidden face and the visible face. Fragile resistance or resistant fragility.