• Théâtre de Villefranche


  • Musée des Beaux-Arts de Chambéry

    Visit-Workshop , 7-12 years old

  • galerie tatiss

    tatiss gallery wishes to share its exhibitions with words.

  • Maison de la Danse

    Échapper à la gravité, prendre son envol, se poser sur le fil entre la vie et la mort pour réfléchir l’humanité autrement, c’est le défi que relève Rachid Ouramdane en associant acrobates et sportifs de l’extrême.

  • Centre Culturel d'Écully

  • Musée des Beaux-Arts de Chambéry

    My museum break

    • Résonance

    Ghost lamp(s)

    Espace culturel L'Atrium

    Photographic and sound exhibition of the Compagnie L’Ouïe de l’œil

    In all theaters, when the stage is deserted, between two performances or rehearsals, a lamp on a high foot is placed there: the ghost lamp. Regular, permanent, it is she who watches over when there is no one left.
    This exhibition is a poetic waltz in three stages, the time to see, the time to listen and the time to say. Frédéric Denis (photographer) went to pose a Servant in various high places of shows in the Metropolis of Lyon, and produced this series of images. Jean-Michel Pirollet (composer) took hold of these images and, for each of them, composed a sound piece. And in a third time, Jean-Christophe Vermot-Gauchy (author and actor) sat down at his table to write from this visual and sound material.

    To fully appreciate this exhibition, we recommend that you come with a mobile phone and headphones.

  • Chromatique

    The subject of fragility addressed by the manifesto of the 16th Biennale echoes a state of palpable uncertainty during which the alarming precariousness of the access to culture, its production and its broadcasting was particularly revealed. Faced with this uncertainty, collaborative creation is a path of resistance that Chromatique wishes to support, through the hybridization of artistic practices, which strengthens networks of cooperation, and offers new opportunities for connections and encounters.

  • Chromatique

    Abysomnia is an immersive and interactive installation, in which the public is invited to let go and sink into a dreamlike veil.

    An enclosed space, shaped like a delicate bubble, embraces the public as they step in a limitless dream made of visual and sound illusions.
    The spectators senses and imagination are slowly triggered, as a cosmos of particles start popping. Voluptuous forms emerge along and oscillate with the public, as they take control over the shape of their surroundings.
    Time stops, the travelers lose all concret landmarks of reality and take a leap into poetry.

    Nathan Belfer, Lyon-based digital artist from the Prose collective, invites you to let go of consciousness and step in a timeless journey of light.

  • Taverne Gutenberg / Boomrang

  • Ateliers Au46

    To resonate with the 16th edition of the Biennale of contemporary art in Lyon, Au46 joins the manifesto with a collective creation In-between, a fragmented and heterogeneous object/symbol in the form of a table. A table acting as a collective fable.

  • Ateliers Au46

    Julie SENEGAS's performance - IMPUF (Institut des Méthodes et des Pratiques à l'Usage de nos Fragilités)

    • Résonance

    Exposition FIORII


    Flora, flores, fiorii, rich and sensual subject.
    I will present my new series of engravings of red botanical inspiration, Cardinal ardent red with the series "Bonhommes" started at the Casa de Velasquez in Madrid around the popular carnivals of Northern Spain.

  • Galerie Racont'ARTS

    Marc Perez is a French sculptor painter, born in Tunis in 1955. Self-taught, he comes from a family of painters (Moses Levy, Nello Lévy). He lives and works in Paris.
    Marc Perez participates in numerous personal exhibitions in France and abroad.

  • École Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Arts de Lyon

    Exhibition - Post-graduate Art - Ecole des beaux-arts (ENSBA) Lyon
    Multimedia installations - Contemporary art