• Galerie Kashagan

    Opening collective exhibition - humus


    OPENING "animated" by the exhibition of MEDUSA flower paintings with tango concert from the LUNA ROSA Cie and milonga at 66 av Jean Jaurès, Lyon 7th, metro Jean Macé.

  • Galerie Ceysson & Bénétière Lyon

    The gallery is delighted to announce the show of Aurélie Pétrel in resonance of the 16th Biennale de Lyon.

  • Galerie Henri Chartier

    Vernissage Dominique d'Acher, les chantiers organiques de l'inachevé solo show

  • Galerie Henri Chartier

    The Henri Chartier gallery closes the cycle of exhibitions devoted to the artist Dominique d'Acher, after exhibitions at the museums of Sens and the museum of Dole.


    This series came into being at first within the boiling energy of Exarchia (Athens), then it deployed its matrix in many- sided elsewhere which bear the imprints, the gaps and the elements of resistance of a society on its last leg. Here the opaque signs of a primitive ephemeral urban alphabet come to the surface. There delicate, shivering skins come modestly into view, the fragile delight of life fighting to survive. This work is a polysemous corpus set into deep, contradictory flows. Colours and materials, lines and faces, signified and signifiant jostle together here, they come to the surface from the very bustling depths of our towns and of our bodies just like foam on gale days

  • La Petite Galerie

    Exhibition: "The faithfulness of rhythms", Yveline Loiseur / Lise Dua, from September 15th to November 19th 2022

  • Galerie Françoise Besson

    "Fault line" exhibition by Chantal Fontvieille from September 15 to November 12, 2022


    Vernissage de l'exposition APHRÓS

  • Centre Culturel d'Écully

  • Galerie Ceysson & Bénétière Lyon

    Opening of the exhibition on September 15, 2022

    6:30 pm: Presentation of Aurélie Pétrel's work 'Minuit chez Roland (31 décembre)' produced for the 16th Biennale of Lyon, Manifesto of fragility at the LPA République car park (Place de la République 69002 Lyon).

    Attended by Fabien Bagnon, president of LPA, Isabelle Bertolotti, artistic director of the Biennale de Lyon, and with Aurélie Pétrel.

    7:30 pm: opening of the exhibition at the Ceysson & Bénétière gallery.

  • Galerie Slika

    The Galerie Slika team is pleased to invite you to the opening of the exhibition "A place that's yours" by the artist Delphine Dénéréaz

  • La Spirale - Le Toboggan.

    As both a visual artist and author, Marlène Silvestrini works on short stories and texts that she transposes into sculptures, drawings, and installations. Nous, l'épave, gathers all these mediums and techniques.

  • La Conciergerie

    The exhibition explores the construction of memory in the digital age and the obsolescence of its media. It offers a journey to the most remote spaces of the network and invites reflection around three major contemporary themes: the archive, the degradation of data and the right to be forgotten.

  • Parc de la Mairie de Pollionnay

    Public création of a monumental sculpture in straw and hay by Christian Burger et Carina Tornatoris. September 16 to 23, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.