
76 rue des Tisserands,
38110 La Bâtie-Montgascon

The weaver's museum located in the village of La Bâtie-Montgascon, opens its collections to you made up of weaving looms, everyday objects of weavers' lives, stories and testimonies which form a true culture of silk weaving.

The Weaver Museum unravels the history of weaving and silk weavers. Installed in a former weaving factory, this museum presents a unique industrial heritage site testifying to more than 200 years of textile history in Nord-Dauphiné. The hand and mechanical looms are back in service to help you discover, during visits, the making of prestigious fabrics and thus pass on the memory of the men who worked and still work this wonderful fabric that is silk.

Through its permanent exhibition, the Musée du Tisserand invites you to discover the life and professions of the peasant-weavers of Bas-Dauphiné and to trace the history of silk. Weaving was part of the flourishing industry that had brought the Dauphinois basin to life since the 18th century. The Jacquard looms and other imposing mechanical weaving machines installed and carefully guarded at the museum tell the story of the stages of weaving in an atmosphere of yesteryear. .

The particularity of the Dauphinois weaver museum in La Bâtie-Montgascon is that everything works here and that it is former professional weavers who keep it alive. It evokes the time when the Lyon silk workers decentralized the work of the canuts after the revolts of 1831 and 1834.

La Bâtie-Montgascon was also named “La Croix-Rousse du Dauphiné”. Today installed in a former weaving factory, the museum presents the Bombyx mori (silkworm), the workshops and the machines in operation: hand or mechanical looms.

You can follow the steps of preparing the thread as in the 19th century: unwinding, milling, bobbing, warping. We visit the canut house, we discover the tools: shuttle, tying machine, loops, and the activities around tulle and lace. In the Weaver Museum you can admire the collections of precious fabrics: damask, lampas, brocade, taffeta... In short, you become a Dauphinois weaver.