
Centre Hospitalier Le Vinatier - BP 300 39 - 95 Bd PInel - 69678 Bron Cedex,

Since 1997, the Ferme du Vinatier has designed and implemented the cultural policy of the Hospital Center Le Vinatier.\ An original interface between the hospital and the city, this innovative place is part in the “Culture and Health” programme. The initiatives of the Ferme du Vinatier embrace the scientific field on a regular basis by providing a space for debate and controversy and by addressing the issue of mental health by crossing anthropological approaches, sociological and historical.\ Since its creation, the transversal action of the Ferme du Vinatier was built and developed thanks to partnerships associating cultural structures and local academics, hospital staff and users and the outside public,thus making it possible to implement one of the main objectives of the Ferme du Vinatier: decompartmentalising the hospital by opening it up to the city for a better understanding of psychiatry, by contributing to the fight against the stigmatization of the disease, of the users and the institution, thereby arousing the interest and support of the State and local authorities territorial.