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FLUIDOS | FLUID BODY, a unique interdisciplinary project for the program RESONANCE of the 17th Lyon Biennale. The project extends from corporeality to interactive / participatory relationship with the local public in the region.

CUERPOS FLUIDOS | BODY FLUIDS, is an interdisciplinary collaborative project that works around the plasticity of the language of the fluid word, accompanied by the multiple meanings that the word fluidity could evoke depending on a context. In a context biological, the idea of ​​the biological nature of the human body - we are made up of ninety percent of vital fluids. The project will focus on re-contextualizing the word fluid, to also allow the construction of geographical relationships/references, biological and societal. Geographically, CUERPOS FLUIDOS | FLUID BODIES, refers to human movements, to bodies that are in motion and therefore constantly coming and going. Bio Ecologically, the idea of ​​"fluidity" which extends to nature itself - change constant of the human habitat, and socially, to the relationship and interaction of bodies - the confluence of knowledge and social practices of different human groups which ceded for inhabiting a certain territory.


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In Rhone-Alpes region

La Bâtie-Montgascon