Venues and dates


5 € / 2 €

Exhibition following the artist's residency at the museum in the fall of 2023.

By evoking the links between her works and the contexts - territories, landscapes - in which she creates them, Anaïs Lelièvre readily describes her artistic work as marked by a form of “nomadism”. She has been developing it since 2015 in numerous residences in France and abroad (Iceland, Brazil, Switzerland, Greece, Canada, Portugal….). In these places of residence, it is the geological stories which have, in recent years, nourished his work. The geometric shapes and textures of the rocks first inspired graphic work which, well beyond the execution of simple “drawings”, led her to construct, through the enlargement and multiplication of images , truly immersive installations. Two residencies, in places intensely marked by telluric activity, in Garbur in Iceland and at the Junqueira foundation, in Portugal, have influenced her practice, directing it towards ceramics, a technique allowing the artist to confront , herself to the transformation “by fire” of matter.

Lezoux is a site on the sedimentary plain whose clays provided the ancient prosperity of ceramic workshops and shaped vernacular architecture, but where the nearby chain of volcanoes outlines the horizon. What is surprising in the fact that it offers a new stage in this long-term journey magnetized by geological singularities? A long exploration of the territory under the guidance of a geologist and the sampling of rocks to experiment with fusion in the workshop constituted the founding time of the residence...

The exhibition will present works created during the residency and also previous works.


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In Rhone-Alpes region