manifesto of fragility – A World of Endless Promise
Puck Verkade – Plague, 2019
Video installation, 5’00’’ (video loop), cardboard sculptures
Born 1987 in The Hague, Netherlands.
Lives and works in Berlin, Germany.
With her keen taste for humour and the absurd, Puck Verkade lays bare the contradictions of human behaviour in drawings and videos. The video Plague, presented in an installation made of giant cardboard chips, explores the concept of solastalgia, a feeling of distress caused by the consequences of our climate crisis. This surreal tale, told by a fly that fantasises about exterminating humans, spawns odd analogies between exploited Earth and the tormented psyche. Presented as a moving collage of images and sounds, juxtaposing various animation methods, the video thus succeeds in linking environmental and mental breakdown.
Courtesy of the artist and Durst Britt & Mayhew
With the support of the Mondriaan fonds, the Royal Netherlands Embassy in France, the Goethe-Institut Lyon
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