Past dates

  • Factatory

    • From
      14h00 – 19h00


Free entrance

Public Open Studios of the Factatory everyday, from September 12th to 16th, from 10 am to 7 pm.

With the residents : Léocadie Bichon (visual artist, CO/FR, june > oct.), Capsule Collectif (visual artists, FR, june > end of sept.), Chris Daharsh (visual artist, US, july > early sept.), Laurent Perche & Didier Montmasson (architect & visual artist, FR, july > nov.), Luciana Lamothe (visual artist, AR, early sept. > dec.), Romane Domas & David Blasco (architect & visual artist, FR, oct. > dec.), Uraraka Matsuzawa (visual artist, JP, nov. > dec.)