Past dates

  • Ateliers Au46


    • From
      19h00 – 22h00


Free entrance

JM Braizat’s graphic creations and oral performances question the relationship of internal surrealism as a barrier to the overwhelming external world. Close to Buddhist philosophy, his creations are true mental landscapes guided by meditation and the relationship to the visible and internal worlds that we have in each of us. It offers the public a new vision of what constitutes us mentally: an internal world made up of several layers, layers, energies. This vision makes us less fragile, stronger. Jean-Michel Braizat defines his Art as Vital.

Jean-Michel Braizat is inclined to ricochet his visions into echoes on the walls, giving them a materiality, graphic, poetic and symbolic. A time of creative residency took place at Ateliers Au 46, to soak up and adapt the form and formats to the dimensions of the exhibition space. In addition, during the exhibition period, JM Braizat will offer poetic performances on September 14, 18 and 24, starting at 7 pm. The exhibition will be open from Wednesday to Saturday from 9 am to 12 pm and from 2 pm to 6 pm.

The performative moments that will mark the opening:
A poetic improvisation around the concept of reality and overstatement, resistance and deconditioning of the search for the idealization of self, of the absolute. A time of oral and pictorial manifesto on the reality of the place , Au46


A partir de 15 ans


Event(s) around the project