Past dates



14 canvas and a rosace displayed in the two large windows of the Catholic Diocese of Lyon and visible from outside. Courtesy Galerie La Forest Divonne (Paris-Bruxelles)

A self-taught artist (born in 1970), close to Art Brut, David Décamp uses materials that often have an autobiographical value: wood, bone, lead, like felt or grease in Beuys' work.
For the work shown here, his material changes using concrete as an allegory of man's ever-growing encroachment on his natural environment. His sculptures are also metaphors for the contemporary world. It is for him to "show nature in the process of dying.
Concerning the exhibition in the Vieux-Lyon in Resonance of the Lyon Biennale 2022 of Contemporary Art, the choice of the work "Chemin de croix sans croix" (2021) is particularly appropriate : a series of fourteen bas-reliefs realized in concrete (40x30x10cm) symbolizing the 14 stations of Christ is exposed, a kind of "chemin de croix, sans croix", "where the figure of Christ, mixed with the tangled branches, embodies the contemporary man threatened by his own destruction of the nature. Accompanying the whole and symbolizing the crown of thorns with Christ in its center, a rose window entitled "The Flaming", also made of concrete with moldings of birds and branches, completes this work.
(Foreword, David Décamp exhibition catalog, Galerie La Forest Divonne, Paris, 2021).
