• CAP - Centre d'art de Saint-Fons

  • CAP - Centre d'art de Saint-Fons

  • Le Toboggan - La Spirale

    Johanna Kravièk invited residents with disabilities to grab charcoal and take, with her, imprints within their daily environment. By reworking with Indian ink, she brought out otherworlds, populated by plants, architecture troglodytes, strange beings.

  • Espace d' exposition Galerie

    Come immerse yourself in a historic place and understand contemporary art in a playful, studious and participatory spirit.

    • Résonance


    Le Patio - Université Lyon 1

    You are welcome to discover Anais Lelièvre first creation, after a year of artistic residency at the Lyon 1 Observatory. Based on scientific knowledges and the University community participation, she created a large sculpture to represent our environment.

  • CAP - Centre d'art de Saint-Fons

    • Résonance

    Press visit

    Atelier de Perrine Lacroix

    an exhibition with Jean-Luc Vilmouth, Perrine Lacroix, Max Sister, Gaël Lévêque, Leïla Vilmouth, Fantine Lacroix curated by Marie Brines

  • Le Faitout

    Installation of a space for expression of anonymous writings with singular faces. For this biennale, the Fil Rouge artists Collective offers a collaborative, participatory and evolutionary thinking, in writing and in material and in deepening the notion of interactivity. Meet the artists : 18 and 22 september 2024, 03 and 11 october 2024. Contact : filrougefrance@gmail.com

  • Le Faitout

    The Collectif Fil Rouge invites you to meet them during the installation of their artwork.

  • La Salle de bains

  • Atelier de Perrine Lacroix

    an exhibition with Jean-Luc Vilmouth, Perrine Lacroix, Max Sister, Gaël Lévêque, Leïla Vilmouth, Fantine Lacroix curated by Marie Brines in partnership with Le Canut et les Gones

    • Résonance


    Atelier de Perrine Lacroix

    an exhibition with Jean-Luc Vilmouth, Perrine Lacroix, Max Sister, Gaël Lévêque, Leïla Vilmouth, Fantine Lacroix curated by Marie Brines

    • Résonance


    Atelier de Perrine Lacroix

    an exhibition with Jean-Luc Vilmouth, Perrine Lacroix, Max Sister, Gaël Lévêque, Leïla Vilmouth, Fantine Lacroix curated by Marie Brines

  • La Conciergerie

    Through drawing, video, installation and music, Nicolas Gaillardon develops a universe of elusive temporality, which can be read as an archaeological vision of a present in transition. The artist plunges us into the atmosphere of a futuristic road movie, where all that remains are traces of a world we can recognise as our own.

  • La BF15

    Showing or imagining language in different forms is what the exhibition Tourner sa langue is all about.  "Turning" your tongue in your mouth, moving the spoken word around, giving it materiality like these verses in blown glass by Sofia Lautrec, or sketching it out with the stammering drawings by Laurence Cathala. While snatches of poems penetrate the space by being reflected in it, others nestle in the illegibility of a handwriting.