• Résonance


    Maison du livre de l’image et du son (MLIS) - artothèque

    text by Julie Portier, art critic and curator

    • Résonance


    La Taille de mon âme

    Welcome everyone to the opening of Réjean Peytavin's 2nd Solo Show at La Taille de monâme. Event in the presence of the artist.

  • La Petite Galerie

  • Galerie Houg

    It's all a question of point de vue.

  • Galerie Tator

    In 2024, Galerie Tator celebrates its 30th anniversary. A multi-sensory and participatory program is proposed through 5 exhibitions invoking the 5 senses. Following on from smell, taste and hearing, the Parisian duo JJ Von Panure are invited to question the sense of sight by focusing on a very small scale: that of the "bean-sculpture".

  • Maison du livre de l’image et du son (MLIS) - artothèque

    text by Julie Portier, art critic and curator

    • Résonance


    La Petite Galerie

    "Landscape backgrounds in the works of the great masters of the 16th and 17th centuries were always an object of intense fascination for Numa Droz. On the edge of the main subject, and beyond its anecdotal nature, there was, in these minute details, an open door to an infinite reverie." Pierre Souchaud editor of Artension magazine, (excerpt)

    • Résonance


    Au Cube

    Mirror, an exhibition of painters: G. Amaro, Sarah Jérôme, G. Bussière, R. Renaud, A. Tournissoux, all of whom share a common style of painting over water that transports us through different narratives... Au Cube is an island gallery of passionate collectors keen to share their discoveries.

  • L'Usine

    Faire un pas de côté Exposition de photographies de Grégoire Eloy (Série Le Beau Geste) et Nicolas Rivoire (Série La Clarée) autour de la frontière franco-italienne.

    • Résonance

    Swiss Flex


    Exhibition of the duo Nostal Chic


    Opening of the exhibition "Swiss Flex"

  • Centre Culturel d'Écully

    The CENTRE CULTUREL D'ÉCULLY is hosting the exhibition FLUX, by the association SCULPTURE TAILLE DIRECTE and the Burkinabe artist Kossi TRAORE, who are collaborating on a joint exhibition project.

    Come and meet the exhibitors at this preview evening.

  • Le Point Commun, espace d'art contemporain

    Throughout the series, Annabelle Guetatra stubbornly carries out a study of the body and its gestures. She tirelessly depicts the same character sketching choreographed gestures at the heart of imaginary rituals, sometimes evoking a dance of death, sometimes a round of joy.

  • Centre Culturel d'Écully

    The Centre Culturel d'Écully is hosting the exhibition "FLUX", by the association SCULPTURE TAILLE DIRECTE and the Burkinabé artist Kossi TRAORE, who are collaborating on a joint exhibition project.