• Médiathèque du Pays de Mauriac

    Presentation of exhibited works by artist Sylvie LOUDIERES, who will be present at the opening.

    • Possibility on request to the artist: to create other moments of encounter, throughout the month of October (Tel: 06 86 33 58 85).
  • Le Faitout

    Discover the renewed intallation Silence to Say, the "room of confessed secrets".

    • Résonance

    Open Call In-Situ

    Loft 4-40

    Open Call In-Situ

  • Loft 4-40

    aNa Fernandes engages in immersive, interactive performances where she collaborates with the public to create dynamic, collective artworks.

    • Résonance

    Art and Yoga

    Galerie 41

    A caress for the brain thanks to art and yoga

    Do you like art and yoga? Are you simply curious and want to live a unique, multisensory, regenerating and original experience while doing yourself as much good as possible?

  • Friche Artistique Lamartine

    Paintings : Lydie Mariller Sounds-music : Cynthia Caubisens / Estelle Mouge

  • Les ateliers du collectif

    Exhibition 1 of The Paradoxes of an Encounter

    • Résonance

    Closing event

    Atelier de Perrine Lacroix

    an exhibition with Jean-Luc Vilmouth, Perrine Lacroix, Max Sister, Gaël Lévêque, Leïla Vilmouth, Fantine Lacroix curated by Marie Brines

  • Musée de l'automobile Henri Malartre

    Do you know that car design is inspired by human expressions and emotions? With both artists Laura Ben Haïba and Rémi de Chiara, envision the 'faces' of your vehicle and shape your 'car faces'.

  • L' ANGLE

    Visites accompagnées par la médiatrice culturelle Samedis 12/10 - 16/11 - 30/11 et Jeudi 17/10 à 14h30

    Cette exposition explorera la manière dont l’artiste Delphine Balley représente la vie domestique et familiale à travers ses œuvres, en examinant les liens familiaux, les environnements intérieurs et les objets qui les peuplent. L’artiste utilise des techniques photographiques et cinématographiques pour créer un univers esthétique riche, souvent influencé par la peinture.

  • Friche Artistique Lamartine

    Creation : Lydie Mariller

    • Résonance

    Guided tour

    Maison du livre de l’image et du son (MLIS) - artothèque

    • Résonance


    Friche Artistique Lamartine

    Fragments is a sound performance via an immersive audiovisual means.

  • La BF15

    Launch and reading of Versions by Laurence Cathala followed by the presentation of Some of us, Artistes contemporainexs, an anthology, in the presence of Marianne Derrien and Jérôme Cotinet-Alphaize

  • Friche Artistique Lamartine

    A dark room. A slam. A poetic pamphlet on the corruption of Art by the power of Money. The revealing beam of a torch. Two ninja dancers.