• Maison de la Confluence

    Le quartier de la Confluence accueil depuis toujours une grande fête foraine, l'artiste nous embarque dans sa vision de l’évolution de cette zone, du toujours plus, avec la creation d'image par IA, cette zone est ici décrite comme un laboratoire architectural

    • Résonance


    Fondation Renaud - Fort de Vaise

  • Théâtre National Populaire

    Création of Alice Laloy

    The video game on the stage.

  • Les ateliers du collectif

    Invoking both the guest and the outsider, the friend and the stranger, kindness and suspicion, hospitality is deeply imbued with paradoxes and aporias. Is it not a subtle but powerful gateway to the conflicts and dissonances at the heart of our humanity?

  • Les ateliers du collectif

    Opening of exhibition 1: The Paradoxes of an Encounter: In Troubled Waters

  • La Taille de mon âme

    La Taille de mon âme Gallery invites you to take part in the public conversation with Réjean Peytavin to learn more about his approach to ceramics. This evening will be hosted by Guillaume Ducongé, co-director of the gallery

  • Galerie 41

    Presentation of the exhibition “Roots, vitality and resilience” in connection with abstract expression, by Paule Martigny, in dialogue with the artist Pacha.

    The performance of Handpan proposed by the musical artist Tom Vaylo will open a musical and meditative path at the heart of the exhibition.

    • Résonance



    Jelena Škulis is a Lithuanian artist and researcher, whose creation is based on the link between the matter and the community. She does that by weaving different materials.

  • Maison Nô

    An exhibition in the heart of Lyon in which artists, designers and craftsmen use the glass medium to express their sensibilities.

    GlassArt2024 promotes emerging talents alongside internationally renowned artists.

  • Musée urbain Tony Garnier

    Ordonnance! is an exhibition by 4 photographers from the item collective, at the Musée urbain Tony Garnier. Sandra Calligaro, Romain Étienne, Paloma Laudet and Philippe Somnolet tell the story of the Edouard Herriot Hospital through the lense of photography, a place dedicated to healthcare. Through its architecture, they retrace a medical, human and collective history.

  • La Taille de mon âme

    Réjean Peytavin offers you a one-on-one performance. It immerses you in a slight state of consciousness altered by hypnosis in order to explore the vase within you. There is a historical analogy between the vase and the human body, the latter being a natural symbol common to us all.

  • Nouvel Institut Franco-Chinois

    • Résonance

    Adele's night



    Event: Adele’s Night Friday October 11, 2024 from 6 p.m. to 10 p.m. EXHIBITIONS / EVENTS / OPENINGS In resonance with the 17th Biennale of Contemporary Art in Lyon, the network is offering Adele's Night, a convivial evening punctuated by exhibitions in the structures that make up the network and which participate in this biennial.

  • La BF15

    Showing or imagining language in different forms is what the exhibition Tourner sa langue is all about.  "Turning" your tongue in your mouth, moving the spoken word around, giving it materiality like these verses in blown glass by Sofia Lautrec, or sketching it out with the stammering drawings by Laurence Cathala. While snatches of poems penetrate the space by being reflected in it, others nestle in the illegibility of a handwriting.

  • Atelier de Perrine Lacroix

    an exhibition with Jean-Luc Vilmouth, Perrine Lacroix, Max Sister, Gaël Lévêque, Leïla Vilmouth, Fantine Lacroix curated by Marie Brines in partnership with Le Canut et les Gones