• Galerie 41

    Interactive lecture to discover artists and architects of the past whose works still visible today in Lyon's public space.

  • Le Phénix Hôtel

    The Phénix Hôtel, Carine Figueras and Chez Andy invite you to the OPENING of the exhibition “This intimate feeling of hospitality”: welcoming, discovering, discovering each other, weaving together... that's how it starts! We look forward to seeing you, sharing this moment and offering you this discovery

    • Résonance


    La Menuiserie

    Le projet Boustrophédon, présenté par Adeline C., est une écriture qui se mêle au dessin par son graphisme avec lequel il tisse une trame.

    • Résonance

    Screen Prints


    In partnership with Atelier Chalopin Sérigraphies, La Factatory will be presenting, in its new spaces, an exhibition of silkscreen prints created by a large number of its residents since 2019, on Thursday September 26 from 2pm to 10pm.

    To mark the occasion, Atelier Chalopin will be generously offering an ephemeral workshop and participatory print run, consisting of a discovery and initiation to the silkscreen printing technique open to all, from 4pm to 7pm.


    Autumn exhibition at La Lisière on the theme of the TransRurality

  • Centre Culturel d'Écully

    The members of the Sculpture Taille Directe association invite you to a discussion and demonstration of their work and their practice of direct carving on wood and stone.

  • Espace d'exposition Guy de Chauliac

    An exhibition in resonance with the theme of this year's Biennial: Welcome and Hospitality. Ailleurs Ici Partout is an exhibition based on the last poem by the French poet Paul Eluard, through which you can discover the commitment and work of three artists: Niloufar BASIRI, Ghazale BAHIRAIE and Abdul SABOOR.

  • Plasma

    "H2Origine" is an exhibition combining art and science. By its very nature, water connects. From the source to the sea, and through its endless cycle, it links the lands of the planet. Water is essential to our survival. "H2Origine" invites us to return to the birth of life, close to liquid water.

  • Espace d'exposition Guy de Chauliac

    Opening of the exhibition in conjunction with the Lyon Biennial of Contemporary Art

  • Plasma

    Opening of the H2Origine immersive exhibition by Martin Colognoli at Plasma on September 26, 2024.

  • Plasma

    As part of the exhibition and its immersive plastic and sound installation. Alexis Roman (pianist and composer) will perform his original sound composition created especially for H2Origine.

  • Théâtre des Marronniers

    Five actors perform the famous Montreal «Bed-in for peace». In 1969, Yoko Ono and John Lennon spent a week wearing pyjamas in bed, in Elizabeth Hotel, room 1742, to protest against Vietnam War, racial violence, etc.

  • Vieux-Lyon, Cour Palais épiscopal Saint-Jean/Oratoire du Diocèse Catholique de Lyon

    Collective exhibition : Xiaojung SONG, Sohyun PARK, Niloufar BASIRI: «The Old City of Lyon, land of welcome, hospitality». Temple du Change, place du Change 27 septembre - 11 novembre 2024, from Thursday to Sunday

  • Vieux-Lyon, Cour Palais épiscopal Saint-Jean/Oratoire du Diocèse Catholique de Lyon

    The Old City of Lyon, a land of welcome and hospitality, at the heart of Lyon's historic site on the right bank of the Saône, has been a land of welcome since the beginning of its history (foundation of the Roman city of Lugdunum on the hill of Fourvière in 43 BC), and open to the world

  • Vieux-Lyon, Cour Palais épiscopal Saint-Jean/Oratoire du Diocèse Catholique de Lyon

    The Old City of Lyon, a land of welcome and hospitality, at the heart of Lyon's historic site on the right bank of the Saône, has been a land of welcome since the beginning of its history (foundation of the Roman city of Lugdunum on the hill of Fourvière in 43 BC), and open to the world