
12 rue de la Coifferie,
63000 Clermont-Ferrand

In extenso is a contemporary art association in Clermont-Ferrand, France founded in 2002 by Marc Geneix and Sébastien Maloberti. Through exhibitions and publishing, In extenso aims to support and disseminate the work of artists working locally, nationally and internationally.
In the city centre of Clermont-Ferrand, the association has a space in which it organizes between three and four exhibitions per year. In extenso is also developing an occasional off-site program thanks to partnerships with French and international structures.
In order to reach a public that goes beyond its exhibition space, In extenso has developed a publishing practice since 2005. The association publishes not only exhibition catalogs and artists' books, but its editorial activity is also reinforced by the contemporary art magazine La belle revue.
Founded in 2009, La belle revue is a free annual contemporary art magazine distributed in France and internationally, which is enriched by its website updated monthly. Composed of exhibition reviews, thematic columns on current issues in art, in situ artistic productions, portraits of artists and local structures, La belle revue aims to support a vast ecosystem of artists, critics, structures, institutions and art venues in Centre-France Auvergne Rhône-Alpes, and beyond.