b. 1982 in Birmingham, United Kingdom. Lives and works in London, United Kingdom.


Working at the interface between activism and multidisciplinary creation — textile art, video, photography, collage, writing and painting — Grace Ndiritu's art draws greatly on her personal experiences of life among alternative, spiritual groups in rural areas. Grace Ndiritu uses various non-rational methodologies, such as shamanism, to develop critical and introspective tools for analysing society in order to improve the way people live together and to invent “new ways of seeing”. For over ten years, she has been working on a research project called Healing the Museum, which takes the form of a series of installations, performances and mediation workshops that enable her to “reactivate the sacredness” of exhibition spaces, which she believes are among the last remaining community spaces that exist.

With the support of the Flemish Government – Flanders State of the Art
With the support of Fluxus Art Projects
The Public Programme is supported by the British Council as part of the UK/France Spotlight on Culture 2024 Together We Imagine