Sabine Longin


Chief executive of la Biennale de Lyon

Deeply involved in the arts and culture field since 1994, Sabine Longin served as cultural attaché, then later as cooperation and cultural action adviser to the French Embassy in Qatar (Ministr y of Europe and Foreign Affairs), starting in 2013; as deputy director of the Fondation Giacometti Paris; and most recently, as chief executive of the Musée National Picasso-Paris (a public establishment overseen by the Ministry of Culture).

Isabelle Bertolotti


Artistic director Contemporary art

Art historian, trained at the University of Lyon 2 and at the École du Louvre, Isabelle Bertolotti has been co-director of the Lyon Biennale since 2019 and Director of the macLYON since 2018 after she was in charge of exhibitions at macLYON since 1995. She was co-founder and artistic co-director since 2002 of Rendez-vous, an event dedicated to the emerging French and international scene recently included to the Lyon Biennale. Since 2008, it has been organising the export of the event on stages outside Europe: Shanghai in 2008 and 2010, Cape Town in 2012, Singapore in 2015, Beijing in 2017 and Havana in 2018.

Isabelle Bertolotti is also an independent curator specialising in the emerging international scene. She is president of Le Grand Large, the association which supports young artists principally of higher art and design schools in the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region, and promotes relations with territorial actors.

She is board member of the International Biennial Association (IBA), a nonprofit association created as a platform for researching and exchanging knowledge about contemporary biennials and triennials.

Tiago Guedes


Artistic director Dance

Tiago Guedes is a cultural programmer and choreographer, graduate in dance at the Escola Superior de Dança of the Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa.

From 1 July 2022 he becomes director of the Maison de la danse de Lyon, co-director of the Biennale de Lyon and assumes the artistic direction of the Biennale de la danse.

From September 2014 to June 2022, he directed the Teatro Municipal do Porto – Rivoli and Campo Alegre, the Festival DDD – Dias da Dança and the research center and artistic residencies CAMPUS Paulo Cunha e Silva.

He concurrently teaches in the post-graduate degree in contemporary dance at the Higher School of Music and Performing Arts (Polytechnic Institute of Porto) and at the Porto Lusófona University. He started choreographing in 2001 and has presented his work in theatres and festivals all over the world. He collaborated with RE.AL as associated choreographer from 2003 to 2007 and was artist in residence at Théâtre Le Vivat (Armentières) from 2006 to 2008. He founded the Materiais Diversos association in 2007, which he headed until 2014 and with which he created the Materiais Diversos Festival (whose first edition took place in 2009). Between 2011 and 2014, he was the artistic director of Cine-Teatro São Pedro (Alcanena) and Teatro Virgínia (Torres Novas), both in the central region of Portugal. In May of 2021, he was ordered Knight of the Order of Arts and Letters, one of the most important cultural distinctions awarded by the French government.

Tanguy Accart


Artistic Projects Manager - Dance

Tanguy Accart joined the Maison de la Danse team on September 19, 2022 as the Director of Development and Artistic Projects.
Since October 17, he has also been in charge of the development of the Lyon Dance Biennale.
Alongside Tiago Guedes, his mission is to ensure the implementation and deployment of the new cultural and artistic project of the two institutions, and to ensure the proper articulation and complementarity between the activities of the Biennale, the Maison and the upcoming Ateliers de la Danse.

Tanguy Accart was Cultural Attaché for the Cultural Services of the French Embassy in Chicago, USA (2017-2021). Previously, he served as Secretary General of the Office national de diffusion artistique (2014-2017) and as Deputy Director of the Centre Chorégraphique National de Rillieux-la-Pape (2011-2013).