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From diverse manifestations of teen turmoil to the invention of games, to rites around attraction and taboos, it is often amid chaos that adolescents undergo development and metamorphosis, and… become. They try things out, take chances, fall over and get back up. Clumsy or assured, they live their lives as they are, at once vulnerable and invincible.

For Thierry Thieû Niang, childhood is the realm of art, the moment of infancy, of tests, of learning curves, when everything is possible. Since 2016, the choreographer has been working with a group of teenagers. Through dance, in a uniquely trusting atmosphere, they share an empathetic and mutual attentiveness; a poetics at odds with our kaleidoscopic, fast-forward world.

At once contemporary and archaic in its form, Inouï is a space for a conversation about what is most intimate to us.




In Lyon metropolitan area



Choreographic performance for 6 performers Art director Thierry Thieû Niang | By and withJonas Dô Hùu, Achille Genet, Loris Mercatelli, Thierry Thieû Niang, Pierre Colleter Tailleferd, Louis Jean-Pierre Valdes Valencia, Ulrich Verdoni | Clarinet Sergio Menozzi
Production Théâtre National Populaire, Villeurbanne | Supported by de la Collection Lambert en Avignon

In partnership with the Théâtre National Populaire, Villeurbanne

Inouï c'est cette vulnérabilité donnée à vif, comme un surgissement nouveau, une ode à la joie aussi"

Thierry Thieû Niang