Past dates
Metropolitan area
- Fromto
Opening hours
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday 2PM - 5:30PM Saturday, Sunday 3PM - 7PM
Free entry
The term "yakafokon" is an ironic criticism of those who offer apparently simple solutions to complex societal problems. Atelier VàV takes you on an urban walk, inviting you to discover the work of its resident artists on display in a number of shop windows in the Charpennes district.
In the wake of the 17th Lyon Biennale, Atelier VàV is pleased to present Yakafokon: ces injonctions contemporaines. This project is part of a reflection on the voices that run through our society, focusing on those injunctions that in some way shape our individual and collective actions, and in turn the landscape that surrounds us.
The term "yakafokon" ironically criticizes those who offer seemingly simple solutions to complex societal problems, without regard for concrete realities. In this exhibition, the artists address this concept in relation to current environmental and social challenges, where injunctions to "do" often clash with tangible circumstances. Through multiple media such as painting, drawing, photography and video, the artists explore these tensions between prescribed ideals and everyday practices.
Atelier VàV invites you to discover or rediscover the work of its resident artists. Through its shop window and those of Charpennes district retailers, they invite you to discover their work and take you on an urban stroll.
from october 12, 2024 to november 16, 2024 11, rue Dedieu, 69100 Villeurbanne First urban stroll, October 5 at 3pm. The showcases remain accessible daily, and other urban strolls will be organized during the exhibition.
In Lyon metropolitan area