Venues and dates


Free admission

A language is also a set of sounds, music... Fabrizio Chiodetti, dancer and choreographer who today works on the links between dance and the sounds of languages, proposes to explore these links with a public dance presentation. In its Dance Studio in Old Lyon, it intends to welcome the public of the Biennale for a dance performance linked to the exhibition of the works of Mara Di Giammatteo on Sunday September 28, 2024. In an immaterial weave between painting and dance, these two artists venture together to explore themes such as memory, language, signs, sounds, textiles, like two tightrope walkers who share the same thread... the thread of life... the over time

The performance will take place on Sunday 28 September at 6pm Le Studio Art Gallery - 25 rue du Doyennè Lyon


Free all

