Venues and dates


Choice and without condition : 11€, 13€ or 15€ / Morning : 9€

Somatic sequence and financial movements.

The Clearing House is a 45-minute performance that invites the public to experience a sensory crossing of financial movements to consider finance as something other than an intangible phenomenon. In the same spirit as a Feldenkrais session, the sequence is guided live by the voice of a concealed performer and uses object manipulation and breathing to take the audience into a half-sleep listening. Without explaining what the financial system is, the performance proposes, through the visualization of mental images, to explore this curious similarity that exists between the lexical field of finance and that of the state of body.

30 OCT > 1 NOV

17H/ 19H30/ 21H

DURATION: 45 min

Text and performance : Agathe Chevallier Lighting design : Lucien Laborderie Lights : Gabrielle Marillier Sound and acoustic design : François Geslin and Mathis Bonotto Sculpture and installation : Agathe Chevallier with the assistance of Victor Rochette Scenography : Nina Coulais and Mathilde Julliard



