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Free entrance

La Taille de mon âme Gallery invites you to take part in the public conversation with Réjean Peytavin to learn more about his approach to ceramics. This evening will be hosted by Guillaume Ducongé, co-director of the gallery

Réjean Peytavin is a Franco-Swiss artist born in 1986. A graduate of the National School of Decorative Arts (Paris), he completed post-diploma from the School of Fine Arts in Nantes (Art and Business) and that of ENSAD Limoges (Kaolin, Art and Design in contemporary ceramics).

His research is mainly oriented around recent and ancient production systems of the ceramic medium and the cultural crossings which are part of it. By articulating this field with, for example, video in his installations, the artist puts into perspective the intersection of globalized cultures and the transfer of knowledge through the migration of techniques. He thus questions ceramics around what it contains, what it transmits, and what remains legible over time. In this way, archeology - or more precisely ceramicology - arouses a keen interest in the artist to such an extent that he constantly explores the links between the form, its manufacture and uses. In 2023, he was also selected for the CNAP public commission to “create a vase”. Peytavin also obtained Individual Creative Assistance from the DRAC Île-de-France for the SATURNISM project, a fiction that he co-directed with the choreographer Alice Bertrand.


suitable for all audiences

