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Here, distances, whether temporal or physical, become more distorted than elsewhere. We navigate between the points of time, sometimes loose and stretched out in these strange spaces, sometimes so brief that they slip through our numbed fingers, before our astonished eyes, leaving only metaphysical imprints, intangible points that seem to be clues to our fleeting identities, always vanished.

By starting with childhood, we seek to give voice to the time that passes through us, drawing on our imaginary and our lived experience, thereby signifying their porosity. This tense link between images - sometimes fantasized, sometimes repressed - helps to form a single work, a diegetic universe in which the interlacing of memory perceptions merges and returns to us in the present, like muted proof whispering on a dark canvas.

The exhibition is intended as an experiment, and we have chosen to draw on our memory materials, namely our photographs, these often scattered "evidences" serving to weave a narrative like an uncertain cosmogony. Here, however, there is no timeline : memory is made up of fragments, and the all-too-fluid thread of a classical narrative is inevitably severed, dispersed and reassembled, forming contrasts, uncertain transitions and stutterings of time.


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