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The exhibition project is based on the encounter between the work of two artists, Claire Georgina Daudin and Lou Nugues, through specific workshops. Each in her own way has taken up the plastic questions raised by the study of craftsmen's and artists' studios.

Opening in the presence of the artists. The Cosmographies series corresponds to experimental photographic research by Lou Nugues. Martyrs d'atelier is a series of prints initiated by Claire Georgina Daudin in 2021 using scraps from her studio: the series will be continued for the exhibition. A new creation will be proposed in experimental photography and installation, at the crossroads of the artists' practices.

Atelier laMezz, 14 rue de la Grande Allée, 69310 Pierre-Bénite Metro B station Gare d'Oullins then 10 min walk or bus 15 and 17 stop Yon Lug By car A7 exit 3 Oullins/La Saulaie


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In Lyon metropolitan area
