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Artistic residency and solo exhibition of the Uruguayan artist duo Maite y Manuel

Maite and Manuel create an artistic language through their shared experiences, the moments of life and memories they share on a daily basis. Creatures and characters from their imaginations are staged, merged and transmit the perception of the world, the anecdotes and the routine of the two artists. It is the fruit of this shared existence that becomes the starting point of their four-handed pictorial compositions. For their residency and solo exhibition «Drive My Car» in September at the Slika gallery, the duo of artists from Uruguay wants to tell the viewer a very singular adventure: A Road trip from Mallorca to Lyon, or more precisely to the gallery. This exploration is raw, without planning, impregnated with a path guided by the hazards of encounters and landscapes that they will discover. A social and environmental narrative rich in surprises to which painters wish to add the experience of their residence at the Slika gallery and their stay in Lyon. An exhibition rooted in the idea of discovery and encounter that also promises a new look at the Lyon lands and its inhabitants.


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