Venues and dates


Free entry

The fourth exhibition of the 2024 season at Le Basculeur will be the annual autumn exhibition: Flamber.

Jeanne Cardinal, Corentin Garrido and Marie Pic have been invited to create an original piece for Rocking-Chair#6 and to take part in an exhibition. The two productions are closely linked. The journal will be published on the day of the opening.

As Rocking-Chair functions as a large collection of newspapers, the idea is to collect verbs as possible invitations. Although each exhibition is different, previous editions respond to each other to create, almost in spite of themselves, a story that weaves itself from year to year. The following verbs and editions have already been presented: To build, To inhabit, To love, To rain, To celebrate and finally To blaze.

Each exhibition has seen its own journal, and the pieces produced by the artists are conceived in two acts: one in 2D on paper and one or more in the basculeur space.


✼ Jeanne Cardinal, Corentin Garrido, Marie Pic ✼ curator Jeanne Chopy

✼ opening on Saturday October 5, 2024 from 3 p.m. & publication of Rocking-Chair #6 - Flamber

free entry price open Friday & Saturday from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m. or by appointment: 06 07 62 22 84 le basculeur, 193 route du stade 38270 Revel-Tourdan

Supported by the Ministry of Culture / DRAC Auvergne-Rhône Alpes The Community of Communes Entre Bièvre et Rhône The Department of Isère In resonance with the 17th Lyon Biennale - Contemporary art


All public

In Rhone-Alpes region
