Venues and dates

  • Chemin des Ecoliers


    • From

    Opening hours

    Every days 10AM - 5PM



Trait d’Union, an artistic trail Type: exhibition Introduction: Ephemeral artistic creation on a natural trail in an urbanized area Presentation text: The in situ creation of the artistic trail by Marc Averly engaged in the creation of Art nature allows the artist to meet with all types of public. The project takes into account the specificity of the short, narrow trail, the walker must be able to stop, enjoy the panorama, raise his gaze from where the diversity of the installations and their playful design. You can see him working and meet him on the trail.

A Land Art event: artistic punctuation of a path The artist Marc Averly, an artist involved in the creation of ArtNature, very concerned by the trees whose species he collects and which are sources of inspiration. His work respects the environment and fits into it, thus highlighting Art and nature in a beautiful harmony. "In general, my installations are linear along a path, composed of several elements, several materials but with continuity, ultimately like a single work." During the production, meetings are planned individually informally, for groups by appointment at 04 78 48 11 23 Every day from September 27 to October 6 except September 30 and October 1 in the afternoon.


All audiences

In Rhone-Alpes region



Event(s) around the project