Past dates
Fromto10h00 – 18h00
Full price : 5€ / Reduced price : 3.5€
How do we look at the mountains today?
A source of inspiration and transformation, the mountain's materials, landscapes and uses are observed, magnified and worked on in singular ways in the works presented. Over the years, more than fifteen artists have been invited to Saint-Gervais. Painters, draughtsmen, photographers, sculptors, sound and video artists, they have sought to question what makes the mountains today: how do we look at these landscapes? What do they tell us about their past and their future? What images of the mountains can be produced to activate new imaginations? How do artists use the mountains as a laboratory for artistic experimentation, but also to highlight the changes that are taking place?
This retrospective invites us to compare the ways in which artists have looked at this shared territory, at the crossroads of narratives, works and memories. It questions the relationship between the mountains and art, or rather the mountains through art, and vice versa. It puts forward the principle of living in residence, of finding oneself at the intersection of several worlds - animal and human, urban and rural - at the heart of contemporary mountain issues, the multiplicity of its uses and the conflicts that can arise from them.
A place of abstraction, the Maison forte de Hautetour has been hosting contemporary artistic proposals for the past ten years, and has become an observatory of the ties that bind us to the mountains, as witnessed by its artists.
With works by resident artists: Aurore Bagarry, Sigrid Coggins, Françoise Riganti, Xavier Brandeis, Patricia Cartereau, Pauline Delwaulle et Sébastien Cabour, Géraldine Trubert, Bertrand Stofleth, Johanna Perret, Caroline Faindt, Hélène Bellenger, Thomas Benard, Awena Cozannet, Camille Llobet, Charlotte Gautier van Tour and Caroline Bouissou. And guest artists: Sophie Matter, Anne-Sophie Emard, Magali Wagner and Alban-Paul Valmary.
Exhibition curator : Emma LEGRAND, Director of the Culture & Heritage Department, Curator of the Archipelago contemporary art program.
General public
In Rhone-Alpes region

Event(s) around the project
- Résonance
Exhibition opening
Maison forte de Hautetour