Venues and dates



A restless odyssey with rock accents, about Portuguese uprooting: the cry from the heart of an entire people, from which we do not emerge unscathed.

Fado dans les veines is willing to touch the depths of our emotions, as this bubbling piece, the fruit of a long work of collecting testimonies, is so impactful. Through the story of her grandfather who fled Portugal and the authoritarian regime of Salazar in 1926, Nadège Prugnard takes no detours to convey the wounds of exile. It is from this ancient, intimate and political migration, from this fado of the soul, always hidden, that she makes a poem with explosive words, a labyrinth of saudade and protest song, musical and symbolic, transgressing to the passage of Portugal from the 3F: “Fado, Fàtima, Football”. From text to song or music, the artists take us on a journey where the "fathers" become our traveling companions, like an irreverent ode for those whose identity has been mishandled by chaos, resistance and love. A hymn to the uprooted of all lands, whom only words and music soothe.


From 14 y.o.



In Lyon metropolitan area
