Born in 1978 in Colmar, France
Lives and works in Paris, France

Aglaé Bory’s photographic work revolves around the human face — portraits of friends and family or strangers — and landscapes, whether real and geographical or interior and metaphorical. Both genres are part of the same poetic gesture: to make visible the uniqueness and intimacy of a person or a place, to establish, in the words of the artist, a “silent conversation, in search of authentic interiority”. Somewhere between documentary and fiction, her work interrogates the absence or presence of faces in the environment, and the way in which bodies occupy space.

Autoportrait avec enfant (“Self-portrait with child”) belongs to Aglaé Bory’s series Corrélations, which reveals the everyday (non-)events of a woman who lives alone with her daughter — from going for a walk to taking a bath, from tea-time to homework. Aglaé Bory’s photos capture looks and attitudes that coincide or contradict ; they explore the ambivalence of family relationships and the ties between mother and child. These are not snapshots of private life but images that have been carefully and precisely staged, even though they evoke actions and emotions from the collective imagination. Operated by the artist, the black shutter release cord is a signal to the viewer that they are invited observers of these intimate scenes.


Discover also

  • Les voix des fleuves Crossing the water

Taysir BatnijiPas perdus, 2019-2020

Museum of Contemporary Art of Lyon (macLyon)

  • Les voix des fleuves Crossing the water

Latifa EchakhchHospitalité, 2006

Museum of Contemporary Art of Lyon (macLyon)

  • Les voix des fleuves Crossing the water

Omer FastContinuity, 2012

Museum of Contemporary Art of Lyon (macLyon)

  • Les voix des fleuves Crossing the water

Juliette GreenAmour et technologie, 2024

Museum of Contemporary Art of Lyon (macLyon)

  • Les voix des fleuves Crossing the water

Lyz ParayzoCuir Mouvement, 2024

Museum of Contemporary Art of Lyon (macLyon)

Museum of Contemporary Art of Lyon (macLyon)

  • Les voix des fleuves Crossing the water

Stéphane ThidetAu bout du souffle, 2011

Museum of Contemporary Art of Lyon (macLyon)

  • Les voix des fleuves Crossing the water

Taysir BatnijiAu cas où #2, 2024

Museum of Contemporary Art of Lyon (macLyon)

Museum of Contemporary Art of Lyon (macLyon)